Does Logging into the Workshop App clock you in?
Clocking into the Workshop App will NOT clock you in for attendance, click on Clock in.
Does clocking onto a task clock you in?
Clocking onto a task will clock the technician in if there are not already clocked in.
Can multiple technicians use the Workshop app on the same devise?
When a user logs out of the Workshop app they will be automatically clocked out ( if clocked in) and clocked off a task (if clocked on).
Why can’t I see the Advisor tab and others can?
You need to be set as an “Advisor” for the Workshop app in your user access rights in the DragonDMS (this is different to the Advisor drop down in the user record). To set this, go into your user access rights, click Apps and then tick the option “Show as Advisor (Workshop App)” on the Managerial list.
Why can’t I edit Task Details or Job Card Details?
You need to be set as an “Advisor” for the Workshop app in your user access rights in the DragonDMS.
When you’re clocked on to a task, what does “Complete Task” do?
Marking a task as Completed will move the task into the Completed section on the My Tasks tab, removing it from your To Do list. If you just Clock Off a task, it will still be in your To Do list.
Does “Assumed end of Day” still exist?
Yes, If a technician doesn’t clock out at the end of the day, then the next time they login the system will allocated the assumed end of day for the previous day.
On My Tasks Tab, what does the list “To Do” show?
This list will show all tasks that have been assigned to the technician. The default order of the tasks will be based on the order the tasks were assigned to the technician.
On My Tasks Tab, what does the list “Non – Prod” show?
This list will show all non-productive lines that have been created in DragonDMS > Settings > Service > Clocking > Non Productive.
On My Tasks Tab, what does the list “Complete” show?
This list will show all tasks marked as completed where the technician is assigned to the task. Only tasked completed today or yesterday will show in this list, regardless of whether the job has been invoiced or collected.
Can a Competed task be uncompleted?
Only an Advisor can action this. Find the job, if all of the tasks on the job have been completed, the job will be in the Complete Job Card list, otherwise the job will be in the Job Cards in Progress list. Find the task and click on More Actions then select Mark as Incomplete.
How do you clock out of the Workshop App?
On the “My Tasks” tab, there is a little gear icon top right, tapping this will let you log out.
How do you change your profile picture?
You can do this by tapping your profile picture on the “My Tasks” tab. There is also a little gear icon top right, tapping this will let you change the profile picture too.
How do you view attendance on the app?
In the app you can clock in and out but you cannot view your own or another users’ attendance. This needs to be done from within the reporting section in the DragonDMS.
Will all of the existing clocking reports still work?
Yes, all existing clocking reports will continue to work with the new app.
Can you clock onto more than one task at a time?
No, as with the current clocking machine, you will be clocked of the current task if you clock on to another task.
How often does the My Tasks screen refresh?
Every 60 seconds.
How can I see the job card details?
Click on More Actions at the bottom of the task, select View Job Card Details to see the Job Card Details, Brief Description and a list of all tasks on the job.
If you are an advisor the Brief Description and Job Card Details can be edited
How can I see all the clockings on a task?
Click on More Actions at the bottom of the task, select View Task Details then select History, this will list all clockings on this task.
Can a technician add a write up on a task?
Click on More Actions at the bottom of the task, select View Task Details then select Comments, the technician can add comments and click Submit. These comments will be visible on the labour line in the DMS.
Advisor Features
On the Advisor Tab, what does the list “Job Cards in Progress” show?
This list will show individual Job Cards and attached tasks with the following criteria:
- Has at least 1 labour line that isn’t locked or complete
- Has not been Collected
- Has not been Invoiced
- Has been received into service or is a booking due in the next 30 days (or previous 30 days)
- Assigned to a Branch that the user has access to
On the Advisor Tab, what does the list “Completed Job Cards” show?
This list will show individual Job Cards and attached tasks with the following criteria:
- The same criteria as the “Job Cards in Progress” list but ALL labour lines must be either completed or locked
On the Advisor Tab, what does the list “Unassigned Tasks” show?
This list will show individual tasks (not labour lines) with the following criteria:
- The task is not assigned to any other Technician
- Attached to a Job Card that has not been collected or invoiced
- Attached to a Job Card that has been received into Service or are attached to a booking due in the next 30 days (or previous 30 days)
- Attached to a Job Card that has a Branch the user has access to
- The list will be ordered by services in progress in ascending job number, then by booking in booking date order
How do you add a Task?
Adding a task in the app is similar to adding a labour line in the DragonDMS. On the Advisor tab, click “Job Cards in Progress” and then find the relevant Job. Now click the plus button (+) in the bottom right hand corner and fill out the task details. At this point you can also assign it to a Technician before clicking Done in the top right corner.
How do you assign tasks to a Technician?
There are three places in the app that you can assign tasks to a Technician, all require you to be an Advisor:
- Click Job Cards in Progress, select a Job Card and tick the “Selected” button that appears in the bottom right of a task. Once you have selected the relevant tasks, you can click “Assign”, top right, which will allow you to select the Technicians you wish to assign the task(s) to.
- Click Unassigned Tasks and tick the “Selected” button that appears in the bottom right of a task. Once you have selected the relevant tasks, you can click “Assign”, top right, which will allow you to select the Technicians you wish to assign the task(s) to.
- Click Task Order and select the Technician you wish to assign a task to. Now click the plus (+) button at the bottom of the page. This will give you two options; “Unassigned Task List” and “Job Card List” – allowing you to assign work in one of the two ways explained in this answer above.
Can you assign a task to more than one Technician?
Yes, anywhere you assign tasks in the app will allow you to select one or more Technicians.
How do you reorder a Technicians Tasks?
To reorder a Technicians work order, you must first be set as an Advisor in the app. Once you are set as an Advisor, tap Task Order on the Advisor tab, select the Technician and then move their tasks up and down by clicking and dragging on the three lines on the right (don’t forget to click Save, top right).
Can the task details be edited in the app?
If you are an advisor then you can view the task details and click on Edit, the task description, internal notes and estimated time can be edited, click on save and then close for the changes to take effect.
Technicians assigned to the task will receive a notification to advise that changed have been made to the task.