Website Enquiries – Car Sales

If you have a Dragon2000 Hosted Website, prospective customers can enquire about a vehicle and the enquiry details will be submitted straight into your DragonDMS.

When a prospective customer enquires about a vehicle on your website, they will fill out an enquiry form similar to the one shown below:

Viewing a Pending Website Enquiry

Once the enquiry has been submitted, it can be viewed within your DMS by going to CRM > Vehicle Sales > Pending Enquiries. If you have any outstanding enquiries that need to be actioned, the Pending Enquiries will be highlighted in Red.

The Pending Enquiries list shows you all of the enquiries you have received and the Lead Source will confirm where the enquiry has come from. For enquiries from your website, this will say Website Lead. The list also displays the date and time of the enquiry, the prospects name, their contact details, their Part Exchange vehicle (if they have one) and the vehicle they are interested in with a clickable link to the vehicle record.

Opening the enquiry record will display all of the details the customer has entered when completing the website form.

If they have included a potential Part Exchange, these details will displayed. If a vehicle lookup has not already been completed, click the Lookup button to retrieve the details of the vehicle. If applicable, you can also complete a HPI Check and CAP Valuation on the Part Exchange vehicle (if you have these services enabled within your DragonDMS).

How to Action a Pending Website Enquiry

Once you have viewed the enquiry details, there are two options:

Delete – This will permanently remove the enquiry and you will not be able to retrieve the details.

Make Enquiry  – This will create a CRM Enquiry Record for the Pending Website Enquiry. You will be asked to allocate a Salesman to the enquiry.

Once the Salesman has been selected, click Confirm. The enquiry will be removed from the Pending Websites Enquiry list and will show on the All Open Enquiry Records menu of the CRM.

The prospect will then be created as a Contact Record in your DMS, the Source of Customer field will be automatically set to Website, the Enquiry Level field set to Hot and all part exchange vehicle details (if applicable) will be pulled through. Following your contact with the customer, you can create Follow Ups and enter all of the relevant information against the open Enquiry Record.


Find out about website bookings in the workshop

Updated on November 15, 2023

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