Website Bookings – Workshop

If you have a Dragon2000 hosted website, customers can book their vehicles in for any service work straight through your website. The booking details will link directly into your DragonDMS for you to confirm the booking.

To add this feature to your website, please contact the Dragon2000 website team to discuss your requirements.

How does the Booking Form work?

When a customer books their vehicle in for service work through your website, they will fill in a website booking form similar to the one shown below:

Once the form has been submitted, the details of that booking will automatically be sent to your DragonDMS.

Viewing a Pending Website Booking

To open a Pending Website Booking go the Service Module in your DMS.

If you have any outstanding bookings to view the Pending Website Bookings will be highlighted in red from the list on the left hand side. Clicking on this will display any booking requests that have been made on your website.

When you view the enquiry, it will display all of the details the customer has completed on your website including the date and time of the booking enquiry, their preferred date and time for the service, your workshop load on their preferred date, the customers details including their telephone number and email address, the details of their vehicle and any information they have included about the work required.

open website booking

Confirming a Booking

To confirm a Pending Website Booking and make it into a fully qualified booking record, click the Make Booking button in the top right hand corner of the screen. This will open the standard booking form for you to complete and make the booking.  Once the booking has been made it will move from the Pending Website Bookings list to the Accepted Website Bookings List.  The Booking Record will show on your Service Bookings list.

Clicking Reject Booking will move the pending booking to the Declined Website Bookings list.

You will still need to contact the customer to confirm if their booking has been successful or if you are unable to fulfil the required request.

How to Find Previous Website Bookings

From with the Service Module, click on Pending Website Bookings and a further list will be populated on the right hand side.

Pending Website Bookings – This is the list of all website bookings that require attention.

Approved Website Bookings – A list of all website bookings that have now been confirmed in booking records.

Declined Website Bookings – A list of all website bookings that have been rejected. Once a booking appears in this list, you can still revive it by opening up the record and clicking on Make Booking.


Find out how car sales enquiries work

Updated on November 15, 2023

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