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DragonDMS – July 2016

New DragonDMS features including VHC report changes, access to monthly CAP valuations of your entire stock automatically and much more

New Features:

  • Additional questions added to Dragon APPraise
  • Add and remove columns on the Service Booking Diary
  • Ability to CAP value entire stock by the click of a button or automatically on the 1st of the month
  • Exclude users from the Auto Log Out feature
  • VHC Report design changes:
    • Includes any images the technician has taken
    • VHC Report will print in the same order as the Vehicle Health Check shows on screen
    • Red / Amber / Green shows for brakes and tyres (thresholds in Settings > APPraise > VHC
    • Clarification of Brake Wear / Tyre Tread Depth Remaining
  • You can now create a Booking or a Service Record from an Appraisal, as well as an Estimate, Prospect Record, Stock Vehicle and Appraisal Report
  • You can record Non-Stock Oil cost quantities as decimals
  • You can add Warranties and Extras to a Vehicle Sales Template at zero selling price and cost
  • You can now email a VHC Report to the customer
  • On the Booking Form, you can now require the technician to carry out a Vehicle Health Check on the job card


  • Category & Advertised Price column are now available within the Vehicles In Stock menu
  • Amount Outstanding column is now available within the Parts Invoices menu
  • You can now update Parts prices on Service Templates by clicking ‘Update Prices’ on the stock parts section within the template
  • You can mark Service Templates as a fixed price, meaning it will not ask you or update any values when applied
  • Internal Notes can now be added to a Service Estimate
  • The reports ‘Technician Times’ and ‘Technician Times Detailed’ can now be filtered by date
  • You can now record the price of an optional extra on a vehicle by going to the Features tab
  • You can now add your own Car Sales Supplementary Invoice disclaimer in Settings > Vehicle > Defaults
  • Total Costs value added to the bottom of the ‘Service Costs – VAT Input’ report
  • When creating a Service or Booking for an internal stock vehicle, you can also choose Retail Departments at this point.
  • If you record a vehicle interest for a prospect and then create a follow up for them, it will ask you if you want to use that vehicle in the follow up
  • VAT number for a customer will now integrate into Sage if they already exist in Sage.
  • Agreeing the sale in a Prospect Record will not change the Sales Status on an invoiced vehicle
  • Estimated Hours has been added back to the labour line popup in an Estimate
  • A customers ‘Organisation Name’ will now print on the invoice if a finance company is being used
  • Service Proforma is now identical to the Service Invoice
  • Customer Source now transfers into the Vehicle Sales Record when you agree the sale
Updated on May 12, 2017

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