Using Workshop Loading

Workshop Loading allows you to allocate jobs to specific bays in timed slots, allowing you to visually see where you have availability. You can see this as a month view or a day view.


In order to use Workshop Loading you will need to setup your bays. You can setup a bay per technician, or you may prefer to setup a bay as a group of technicians with similar skills (Electrical / Mechanical, etc).

To add your bays go to Settings > Service > Workshop Loading.

Bay 1 is setup for you by default to be available Monday – Friday for 16 hours and then Saturday for 8 hours, double click on the bay to edit the hours for each day and to edit the bay name.

The example below is for three bays, two are available Monday to Friday and one is just available on Saturdays.

Using Workshop Loading

The Booking Diary will show the estimated hours of the booking/job, Workshop Loading will show the scheduled hours of the booking/job. They are two independent tools within DragonDMS.

Adding jobs to the Booking Diary shows the estimated hours and hours unsold for each day.

Jobs on the Booking Diary will show in Workshop Loading in the Unallocated section, click the Workshop Loading button at the top right of the Booking Diary to view this.

In Workshop loading you can view all unallocated jobs, scheduled jobs across all bays and see the remaining hours per bay. For each job the Vehicle Registration, Customer Name, Booking Details and Job Status are displayed.

To allocate a job, drag to it to the relevant time on a bay. The available hours for the bay will update, and can be setup in settings to change colour to indicate bays with less hours remaining.

When jobs are received into the workshop or the status of the job changes, the colour of the job will update on Workshop loading to reflect this new status. The colours displayed can be edited in Settings.

Employee events are displayed on Workshop Loading and affect the available hours for the bay.

For more information about Improvements to Workshop Loading click here

Updated on November 15, 2023

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