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Text Messaging Features

Within the DragonDMS, there is the functionality to send text messages to your customers. This feature has been expanded to include two way text messages, allowing you to receive text message replies from your customers, directly in the DragonDMS.

How does it work?

To discuss enabling this feature, you will need to speak with our Sales Team on 01327 222 333, option 2.

Once the feature has been enabled, your company will be assigned a Telephone Number. This number will be displayed to your customers when they receive a text message that has been sent through DragonDMS.

It is advisable to add your company name to the message to identify where the message has come from, as the number will not be recognised by the recipient.

The customer can then reply directly to the text message.  The received text message will be automatically added to the customer’s activity within their contact record and a follow-up will display on the dashboard of the user who sent the original text message.

Sending Text Messages

Text messages can be sent to customers from the following places:

  • Customer Contact Record – Activity Tab
  • Vehicle Sales Record – Customer Tab
  • Service Record – Customer Tab
  • Vehicle Sales CRM – Enquiry Record
  • Service CRM – Reminders.

All text messages sent are recorded in the Customer Contact Record within the Activity tab.  It will show when the message was sent, who it was sent from, and the content of the message.

Text Message Templates

In Settings, you can create pre set Text Message templates. Go to Settings > System > Text Messaging > Add New.  Select the department the template is being created for:

  • Customer
  • Car Sales
  • Service

Use the template editor to create the message. If you select to use the Insert feature, this information will automatically populate from the customer record.

Text Message Replies

When a customer replies to a message, their reply will be recorded in two places within DragonDMS. The Customer Contact Activity, and on the Dashboard.

Customer Contact Record

The reply will be displayed with the Activity tab of the Customer Contact Record.   It will show the number it was sent from, the date and time along with the details of the message.


From the main menu of DragonDMS, you can access the Dashboard.  This is designed to show follow up reminders for Sales or Service, and will default to show follow ups for the user who is logged in.

In the Reminders section, you will see the replies of any text messages received along with who sent the message, and the message details.

Double click on the followup, from here you can send a text message and then mark the followup as resolved. This will remove the reminder from your list.

Dashboard Settings

To set up your default Dashboard go into Settings > Employees and select the relevant employee record. Select Other in the top right hand corner of the record.

On the Dashboard Settings tab, you can select if that employee has the Sales or Service Dashboard as their default. If they need access to both, tick Can Switch Between Dashboards.

Ticking the Switch to Dashboard on Login option will display the dashboard for that employee as soon as they log into the DMS.  This is a great way to ensure that no follows up are missed.

Updated on September 13, 2024

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