
Templates can be created and automatically applied to both Vehicle Sales and Service Records.  This is particularly useful if you have the same costs, extras or components that are added to your vehicles and jobs.

How to Create a Template – Vehicle Sales

Within the New or Used Vehicles module click on the Templates tab. A list of any templates that have already been created will be displayed.

To create a new template, click Add New. Enter a name for the new template. The Template Editor will then be displayed. The following can be added to a Vehicle Sales Template:

Extras – This is an additional cost for your customer to pay and will increase the value of the Sales invoice.

Warranties – Record any warranty products that are applicable.

Costs – These are Reconditioning Costs that you have incurred as a business.  Costs will increase your Stand in Value and will not be displayed on the Sales Invoice.

Use these sections to create your Template.

How to apply a Template

There are two ways in which a template can be applied to a vehicle record:

Default Template for every vehicle record created

If costs on the template will be applicable to every vehicle, you can automatically set the template to be applied to all vehicle records created.  To do this go to Settings > Vehicle Sales > Defaults.

You can select a Default Template for both New & Used Vehicle Sales if applicable.  When you create a vehicle record, the template will be automatically applied meaning all of the costs entered on the template, will be transferred onto the vehicle record.

Apply a template to an individual vehicle record

Within a Vehicle Record go to Additional > Templates > Templates….

Select the template you would like to use and click Apply.  If the template includes multiple items, you will be shown a list of these items where you can untick any costs that do not apply. The template and all of the costs selected will be automatically applied to the Vehicle Record.

Removing a template from a Vehicle Record

If a template has been applied but it is no longer required, within the vehicle record go to Additional > Templates.  Select the Template you would like to remove and click Unapply.

How to Create a Template – Service

Service Templates can add any number of parts, labour, oils, extras and costs to a service record in one activity.

The easiest way to create a service template is from a service record which is either in progress or has been completed.  Once all of the components have been added to the job, from within the service record go to Templates > Create from Service.

A list of items from the job will be displayed. By default, these will all be added to the template but you can tick any items that you would like to omit. Click OK and enter a Template Name.  Click Close to save the template.

The vehicle details form the Service Job will show on the template so if you are creating a generic template you should remove these specific fields of information. You may choose to select a Category, Make and/or Model for this template. Each of these pieces of information will assist your users when they are looking for a template to use.

If you want to create all of your templates from scratch, within the Service module go to Templates > Add New.  Enter a name for your template. You can then work through and add a Brief Description, labour, Parts, Oils, Extras and Costs.

How to apply a Template

A Template can be added to an Estimate, Booking or Service.

From within any of these records go to Templates > Templates and select or search for the template you wish to use.  A list of components on the template will be displayed. You can select any items that you do not require from the template and click OK. The template and all of the components will now be applied to the record.

If you have a template that is linked to all jobs for a specific Service Department, you can assign each department a default template.

Go to Settings > Service > Defaults. Select the relevant Service Department and on the General tab, use the Default Template dropdown to select the Template to be applied. Any new services created using this department, will automatically have the selected template applied.

Removing a template from a Service Record

If a template has been applied but it is no longer required, within the service record go to Templates.  Select the Template you would like to remove and click Unapply.

Updated on May 1, 2024

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