Once you have logged in, you will automatically be taken to the My Tasks screen.
Logging into the Workshop app will not Clock you in for attendance.
To clock in, either tap Clock In at the top left, or Clock On to a task which will automatically clock you in. To Clock out either tap Clock Out or Log Out of the app.
To Do List
On the My Tasks screen the To Do list displays all of the task (labour lines) allocated to the Technician, the list of tasks can be reordered through the app by an Advisor. This screen refreshes every 60 seconds.
Technicians can clock onto any of the tasks in their list.
If Technicians are already clocked on to another task the app will automatically clock them off when they clock onto a new task.
When a task has been finished, tap on the Complete Task button, this will remove the task from your To Do list. If another technician is still working on the task it can’t be marked as Complete.
Non Productive
The Non – Prod tab lists all of the non-productive tasks (these are setup in DragonDMS > Settings > Service > Clocking > Non Productive). Technicians tap on the task to clock on, clocking onto a non-productive task will automatically clock the user of any other tasks.
Completed Tasks
The Complete list displays all tasks completed by the Technician on the previous & current day.
If a task has been incorrectly completed, a Service Advisor can mark as incomplete.