Supplementary Invoices

The Supplementary tab within a Vehicle Record is a feature in the DragonDMS and it lets you create a Supplementary Invoice for additional items that you sell to a customer after they have already bought their vehicle.

It can also be used for the sale of items that cannot be included within the main vehicle sale because of the Single Supply rules (i.e. VAT-able items on a margin vehicle sale and non VAT-able items on a qualifying vehicle sale).

How to Create a Supplementary Invoice

A Supplementary Invoice can only be printed after the main vehicle Sales Invoice has been printed. Within a Vehicle Record go to Invoicing > Supplementary.

Clicking Create New and then the Add Detail or Add Warranty button will open the Supplementary Invoice Details and let you add items to the invoice from your existing list of extras (or create new items if required) choosing the appropriate VAT rate.

add detail to supplementary invoice

Once you click Save the item will appear on the Supplementary screen and you can then print the Supplementary Invoice as required (providing the main vehicle Sales Invoice has already been printed):


The Payments screen within the vehicle record will show the main vehicle Sales Invoice and the Supplementary Invoice as separate amounts, but it will add them together to give you the Balance Due figure required from the customer:

Sales report

You can use the Sales Report – Supplementary to report on each Supplementary Invoice that you have recorded. This report is found within Reports > Used Vehicle Sales > Vehicle Sales 

Updated on October 1, 2024

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