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Stock Checking Parts

The Stock Check Control allows stock checks to be entered into DragonDMS and stock discrepancies to be managed easily.

The Stock Check Control screen will allow Part Stock quantities to be adjusted based on the data gathered during a Stock Check. Part Rechecks can also be requested if you do not wish to apply the adjustment.

Initial Setup

To setup the Stock Check options go to Settings > Parts > Settings > Stock > Stock Checking Options.

Entry Method

A Stock Check can be carried out manually or by using a hand held scanner. The default setting for this is Manual.

Perpetual Checking Options

The system records when each Location and Part was last checked. The Stock Check Report provides a list of parts to be checked, you can choose for the report to ordered by part number or by location. The report will always list the last checked parts first.

Parts / Locations per Check

This controls the quantity of Parts or Locations which are to be listed on the Stock Check Reports. The default setting for this is 50 Parts or Locations. This allows you to do smaller stock checks on a more frequent basis, rather than having to do a full check on all yoru stock lines. If you would like to do a full stock check, change this figure to 0 and all parts will be on the report.

Adjustment History

Within a parts record you can view the adjustment history for the Part. This setting controls the number of days of adjustments that you can see. The default setting for this is 60 days, many users prefer to change this to 365 days to see a full years adjustment activity.

Completing a Stock Check

To perform a Stock Check go to the Parts module and click the Stock Checking option. To print a Stock Check Report, click the Stock Check Report button.

If a recheck has been requested for a Part, this will be displayed at the top of the report in the Priority Checks section. The last page of the report will contain a space in which you can record Parts not currently listed in DragonDMS.

Entering the Stock Check Data

Once the Stock Check has been completed, the  data can be entered using either the Manual Method or the Scanner Method.

Manual Method

  • Click the Stock Check Entry button.
  • Enter the Part Number, Location and Check Quantity from the report. Press Enter on your keyboard or press Check and enter the details of the next Part.
  • A list will be displayed of the Stock Check data that has been entered.
  • Once all of the checked Parts have been entered, click the Stock Check Entry button again.

Scanner Method

  • Click the Stock Check Entry button.
  • Scan the Part Barcode and Location Barcode from the Stock Check Report.
  • Enter the Part Quantity.
  • A list will be displayed of the Stock Check data that has been entered.
  • Once all of the checked Parts have been entered, click the Stock Check Entry button again.

Managing the Stock Check Data

Once all of the data has been entered, click the Stock Check Entry button again and a summary of all the check will be listed.

Stock Discrepancies

The stock quantity entered into DragonDMS as part of the Stock Check does not automatically alter the existing stock information. These changes will need to be authorised.

Authorising a Stock Adjustment will replace the current stock quantity on the Part Record with the quantity recorded from the Stock Check. This adjustment will be logged on the part record with the username, date & time.

To authorise adjustments for multiple parts:

  • Select the adjustments that you wish to authorise from the list. You can also select all adjustment by clicking the Select All button.
  • Click the Authorise Selected Adjustments button. All of the selected Part Records will then be updated.

Requesting a Part Recheck

Requesting a recheck will remove the Part from the Stock Check information without adjusting the existing stock quantity. The Part will then be displayed as a Priority Check when the next Stock Check Report is printed.

To request a recheck for multiple parts:

  • Select the Parts that you wish to request a recheck for from the list. You can also select all adjustments by clicking the Select All button.
  • Click the Request Recheck for Selected Parts button

Removing Stock Check Records

If you do not wish to apply a stock adjustment or request a recheck for the Part record, you can remove the Stock Check Record.

To remove a Stock Check Record:

  • Select the adjustments that you wish to remove from the list. You can also select all adjustments by clicking the Select All button.
  • Click the Remove Selected Adjustments button.

Part Lines Not Recognised

If a Part has been entered during the Stock Check that has not previously been set up in DragonDMS, the Part will be displayed on the list with no description and a comment stating Part Line is NOT Recognised.

You can either remove the Part from the Stock Check if has been entered in error (see above) or create a Part Record to add it into stock.

To create a Part Record:

  • Double on the Stock Check Record.
  • You will be asked if you wish to set up the new Part, click Yes.
  • The Create Part Record form will be opened for you to enter the details of the new Part.

Part Line in an Unrecognised Location

If a Part has been entered on a Stock Check with a location that has not been previously set up in DragonDMS, the Part will be displayed on the Stock Checking list with a comment Location NOT Recognised.

To set up the new location:

  • Double click on the Stock Check Record
  • You will be asked if you wish to set up the new Location, click Yes.
  • The new Location will now automatically be added to the system and set up for that Part.

New Location for Existing Part Line

If a Part has been entered during the Stock Check and the Location is different to what is currently on the Part Record, the Part will be displayed on the Stock Check list with a comment New Location for Part Line.

To set up the new location:

  • Double click on the Stock Check Record
  • You will be asked if you wish to set up the new Location, click Yes.
  • The new Location will now automatically be added to the system and set up for that Part.

Stock Checks Requiring Confirmation

Stock Check records that do not contain any discrepancies still need to be confirmed to order to provide historical traceability for all Stock Check information.

To confirm Stock Check records:

  • Select the Part lines that you wish to confirm or select all Parts by clicking the Select All button.
  • Click the Confirm Selected Checks button.


Updated on April 3, 2024

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