Labour Line Subheadings

Labour lines can be grouped under subheadings such as Mechanical, Bodywork etc. To add a labour line to a subheading just select the relevant subheading (on the right hand side of the form) when setting up the labour line.

By default there will be no subheadings setup. You can add your own list of Labour Subheadings by going to Settings > Service > Components > Labour.

Invoice Options

If you would prefer, you can choose to show a category total for the labour lines that have been grouped under a subheading rather than a cost per labour line.

To do this go to Settings > Service > Settings > Invoices and select Show Labour Subcategory Totals. This option can be selected for Standard Invoices, Restorer Invoices and Project Invoices.

Example Invoices

Example of an invoice with labour subcategory totals:

Subcatergory Invoice

Example of an invoice with totals per line:

Total per line invoice


Updated on November 16, 2023

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