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  4. Setting up eBay Motors Pro Advertising Feed
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  3. Advertising
  4. Setting up eBay Motors Pro Advertising Feed

Setting up eBay Motors Pro Advertising Feed

If you have an eBay Motors Pro account, you can advertise to eBay directly from your DragonDMS.

For eBay Motors Groups (EMG) accounts, please click here.

To set up your advertising feed to eBay we need your ebay ‘upload’ username and password. We will then ask you when you would like to go live with the feed as all vehicles ticked for ebay in DragonDMS will overwrite any manual postings you have on eBay.

The username and password that is required in order to advertise on eBay Motors Pro from within DragonDMS, is different to the normal username and password that you would use to log into their site directly. To create this upload username and password up you will need to click on the link below:


Once you are on this page, please click on the option labelled Settings and click Upload & Publish then next to ‘Upload Credentials’ click ‘Edit’ (see image below).

Once this username and password has been set up then please provide us with those details so we can verify your account and set up the advertising feed to eBay.

Updated on November 15, 2023

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