Service Module

Our collection of how-to videos offering help and support with the Service module in DragonDMS.


Take a look at the key highlights of the Service module including how to customise the data that you see, search for a Service Record and how to keep track of the status of a job.

Booking Diary

Learn how to make a new service booking and send confirmation & reminder text messages. Use the MOT scheduler, allocate courtesy vehicles and look at the option of pulling data from our Autodata integration. The booking diary allows you to keep track of the service hours you have booked and those still available, while also recording employee holidays.


Learn how to create estimates for both new and emerging work. Including adding labour, parts, oils and extras.

Creating a Job Card

This short video will show you how to receive a booking into the service workshop, print a job card for your technicians to work from, or assign task to your technicians if using the Workshop App.

Recording Technician Times

This short video will show how technician times can be recorded on a service job, suggested columns to add to your list of services in progress to view hours taken and some useful reports to run to track technician times.


If you have regular jobs with similar components that are completed, this video will show you how to create service templates that will automatically apply any labour, parts, oils and extras to your service booking or record.

Warranty Jobs

If you complete Warranty or Insurance jobs, this video will explain how to add the company details to the Service Record, apply any applicable excesses and print invoices for both the customer and the Warranty or Insurance Company.

Works Orders

Learn how to create a Works Order for work being completed by a third party company along with how to track the progress of these jobs and apply the costs to the Service.

Goodwill Jobs

Learn how to create a Goodwill jobs for work being carried out where no charge is being made to the customer, a customer copy of the invoice can be printed, detailing the work and parts added but with no pricing.

Internal Jobs

Learn how to create a Internal jobs for work being carried out on stock vehicles, the value of the job will be posted against the stock record increasing the vehicles stand in value (SIV). A customer copy of the invoice can be printed, detailing the work and parts added but with no pricing.

Job Analysis

See how to breakdown all of the components involved in a service job to provide the total job profit if applicable.

Linking Parts to Labour Lines

This short video will show you how to link your stock parts to the relevant labour lines so that they are all grouped together on the customers invoice.

Building the Invoice

This video will show you how to build the costs of a service job including adding parts, labour and oils along with any additional costs that need to be charged to the customer.

Staging Service Jobs

This video will show you how to stage a service job. Staging can be used on long term jobs to create staged invoices, or on jobs where more than one person is paying for the work.


In this video we will show you how to record both deposit and balance payments to a service job.

CRM Reminders

In this video you will find out how to send MOT, Service and advisory reminders by text, email or letter.


In this video we will take you through how to create and edit your Service Departments, update your Booking Diary and set up your MOT Diary.

Restorer Settings

In this video we will show you some of the setting that restorers may find useful including different job card and invoice styles, using labour subheadings, staging jobs, transferring items between stages, tracking technicians times on labour lines.



Updated on September 30, 2020

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