Service Departments

Service Departments are used to control a number of settings on a Service Job.

How to View / Create New Service Departments

To view your Service Department settings go to Settings > Service > Defaults > Departments. Double click on the relevant department to view the details.

To create a new department click New Department. Enter a department name and edit the settings as detailed below.

When you name your Service Department, only use the word INTERNAL in the name if you want to use this department for vehicles in stock. Dragon requires a stock ID for Service Departments with the text INTERNAL in the name.

For information on how to create a Goodwill Service Department, click here: Service Goodwill – Knowledgebase (

How to edit a Service Department

Service Departments set the default values for the following:

Hourly Rate – This is the labour hourly rate.  When a labour line is created with ‘x’ hours charged, DragonDMS will use the hourly rate to calculate the Net Price for the labour line.

Approx. Cost Per Hour – This is the approximate cost per hour of your Technicians. When Technician actual time is added to a labour line, DragonDMS will use this cost per hour to calculate the cost of labour. This figure is used on the Job Analysis to determine service profit.

MOT Price – Enter the standard MOT fee that you charge.

MOT Std Hrs – If you are an MOT Test Centre, enter the expected time to undertake an MOT by your Technicians. The value is used when calculating MOT efficiency.

VAT Rate – Internal Service are zero rate by default (code 0) and Retail Services are standard rate by default (code 1).

Parts / Oils Pricing – Set the default pricing structure for Stock Parts and Stock Oils. Choose from Retail Minus ‘x’ % or cost plus ‘x’ %.

How to amend your Service Invoice disclaimers

You can create different Invoice Disclaimers for each Service Department that you have created.

Double click on the relevant Service Department and click on the Disclaimers tab.

From here you can edit the Invoice, Job Card, Expanded Job Card and Estimate disclaimers.

For more information, click here to watch our Service Settings video.

Updated on April 10, 2024

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