The Sales Video feature allows your salesman to record and send personalised videos of vehicle stock directly to your customers.
Creating a Sales Video
Once the vehicle has been added into stock, you will have the option to create a Sales Video for that vehicle. From the Vehicles section click on the relevant stock vehicle and you will be given two options: Vehicle Details or Sales Videos. Select Sales Videos.
There are 2 sections: New Video where you can record a new video or Videos where all previously recorded videos will be displayed.
Under the New Video section, click on Add Video Clip. If you already have the video recorded on your device select Library to upload this or click on Camera to record a new video.
Once the first video clip has been recorded you will have the option to Add Another Video Clip. You can record multiple video clips and rearrange the order of these. Once the videos have been saved, they will be stitched together to create one video in the order you have selected.
Once you have finished recording your video click on Next where you will have two options:
- Send to Customer – This will allow the video to be sent directly to the customer from the APPraise App via text message.
- Just Save – This will upload and save the video onto both the APPraise APP and DragonDMS for that vehicle record.
Sending the Video to a Customer from APPraise
If you would like to send the video directly to a customer from APPraise, this can be done via a text message. You will need to ensure the customer record in your DragonDMS has a valid mobile telephone number and you have enough text credits available.
** Text message bundles can be purchased by calling our Admin Team on 01327 222333, option 3 **
Select the relevant vehicle from your list of stock, select Sales Videos and click on the Videos tab and then Video Options. Choose from one of the following three options:
- Send to Customer – This will allow the video to be sent directly to the customer from the APPraise App.
- View Customer Sent To – This will show a list of all customers the video has been sent too including how many times it has been viewed.
- Delete Video – This will delete the video.
Select Send to Customer and search for the customer who you would like to send the video to. This is populated from the customer data in your DragonDMS. Click OK to send the video.
A text message will then be sent to the customer with a link for them to watch the video.
Once they have viewed the video an email will be sent back to you to advise that they have viewed the video. You can set the email address for watched notifications in DragonDMS Settings > APPraise > Sales Video.