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  4. Setting up your PDQ Machine

Setting up your PDQ Machine

In order to set up your PDQ card machine, go to Settings > System > Card Machine.

You will need to ensure that the power cable and Ethernet cables are plugged into the PDQ.  Once this is done, click Add Card Machine.

As long as your PDQ has power and the Ethernet cable is providing internet access, the new terminal will be found.  The below message confirms the PDQ has been found successfully.

Click OK and you can then enter a name or location for that PDQ machine that will be easy to remember.

The newly found and named PDQ machine will now show in the list of Registered Card Machines and is ready to be used.

If you have multiple machines that need to be added, follow the process above until all of the machines have been successfully added and named.

Once all of your machines have been added, you can assign a default card machine for each employee depending on which one they will be more likely to use, for example: Front Desk, Service Desk etc.  To do this, go to Settings > Employee > Other > Card Machines and select their default machine.

Taking a Payment

To begin, click the Take Payment button on the main menu of your DragonDMS. You can also take a card payment anywhere else in the system where you would normally record a payment.

To record a payment using Paymentsense and the Take Payment option, you will need to select the customer that the payment is for.  This can be done by clicking on New and creating a new contact or if the customer already exists in your system, click Find to search for them.

If you have selected an existing customer, the payments list will populate with any outstanding invoices and transactions for that particular customer.

To take a payment against an outstanding invoice you can either:

  • Click Pay Selected – this will put the total amount for the invoice line you have selected into the Payment Amount column.
  • Click Pay All – this will put the total amount for each invoice line into the Payment Amount column.
  • Type in a specific amount – if you click into the Payment Amount column you will be able to type in the specific amount you wish to take against that invoice line.
  • If you have multiple Card Machines installed, you can select the machine you are using from the drop down list.  If you have a default Card Machine set up, this will automatically be selected but can still be changed if required.

If the customer wants to pay a deposit for a vehicle they have seen, you can do this by clicking the Vehicle Deposit button.  This will display a list of all of the vehicles you have in stock. Select the relevant vehicle from the list and this will be added to the payments list.

Enter the amount the customer wishes to pay as a deposit in the Payment Amount column (in this example £1500) and click Take Payment.

At this point, you will see the following notification on screen, asking the customer to present the card they wish to use. On the PDQ Card Machine, it will now display the amount to be taken (in this case £1500).

Once the user has put their card into the PDQ and entered the correct pin, the notification screen will confirm that it has been approved.

Once the payment has been taken successfully, you will receive a message confirming this.

The payment history will now show on the relevant Vehicle, Service or Part Record by viewing the Payments tab within the invoicing screen.

You will also be able to see a full list of all payments made (and any outstanding) for a customer by viewing the Transaction Log within their contact record.

If the customer would like to use a different payment method to Credit or Debit Card, under the Payment Method select Other. You can then select the payment method they would like to use from the drop down list and print a receipt if applicable. Once completed click Save.

End of Day Reporting

The End of Day function will send to Paymentsense all of the transactions the card machine has performed since the last End of Day was actioned. This allows them to check that the machines transactions match what they have received. The machine will also print this information onto a receipt for your records.

In order to run an End of Day, the user must have this option enabled in their user record: Settings > Employees > Access Rights > Other > Can Run End of Day for Card Machines

To perform an End of Day, click Take Payment on the Main Menu and select Options. This will show you a log of all End of Day reports that have been processed.

Click Perform End of Day to run this.

Useful Information

  • Everywhere you can take a payment in the DragonDMS, the new payment form will be displayed allowing you to take a card payment if you wish.
  • A payment can still be recorded if the customer is not using a card as their payment method (cash, cheque, BACS etc.), or if you do not have Paymentsense enabled.
  • If you select an existing contact, it will show you in the payments list all of the invoices that are outstanding and need paying. This includes Vehicle Sales, Service and Part Invoices. This allows the user to take one payment for multiple invoices in the same transaction.
  • By clicking the Pay All button, it will automatically fill in the Payment Amount to match the amount listed in the Outstanding column. This allows the user to pay all of the invoices without having to type the amount in each line.
  • By clicking the Pay Selected button, it will automatically fill in the Payment Amount to match the amount listed in the Outstanding column for the row you have selected.
  • The Remove Selected button will allow you to remove a Vehicle that you have selected if you have chosen the wrong vehicle by mistake. This can only be removed prior to a payment being added.
  • The End of Day button will perform the end of day receipt print out on the terminal.
  • You can have multiple PDQs set up for different areas of the business. Once you have applied multiple PDQs, an Options button will show next to the End of Day. This will allow you to select which PDQ you wish to send the payment amount to.
  • In an employee’s profile in Settings, there is a tab called Card Machines under Other. This will allow you to select the default credit card machine to use if you have more than one. This will save the user having to select the machine each time a payment is taken.
  • Refunds are still taken manually and processed in the same way.


Updated on January 29, 2020

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