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Most Popular Management Reports

Vehicle Stock

  • Stock Report – Shows basic details of all vehicles currently in stock.
  • Stock Report – Management Inc. Chassis No. – Full stock report including management figures. Include Chassis Number.
  • Stock Report – Management – Full stock report including management figures.
  • Stock Report Historical – Stock list on a given date – including vehicles sold on that date. Purchase invoice must be printed.
  • Stock Report – Funding – list of vehicles in stock grouped by funder showing funding total and days remaining.

Vehicle Purchases

  • Vehicle Purchases – All vehicles purchased between two dates. Excludes Credited Invoices.
  • Vehicle Sales Purchase Credit Log – All vehicle purchase credit notes logged between two given dates. Only shows those that have printed.
  • Costs Summary – Shows all Costs allocated between two dates.

Vehicle Sales

  • Vehicle Sales – All Vehicles which have been allocated an Invoice Number, between two given dates. Excludes Credited Invoices.
  • Sales Report– Shows details of Sales between two given dates. This report is the main management reporting tool and can be sorted or filtered to show many different combinations of data.
  • Credit Notes – Sales – Log of all vehicle sales credit notes printed by the system between two given dates.
  • Deal Analysis – Enter Stock Number to show a full break down of an individual sale.
  • Sold Vehicles with O/S Balance – Shows all vehicles invoices between two dates that have an outstanding balance.

Vehicle General Admin

  • Rolling Stock Report – Ideal for Insurance Companies shows all stock purchased or sold within two given dates.
Updated on November 13, 2019

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