If you do not intend to create a order for the outstanding Parts, either because you have already received another order that has these Parts on, or your stock quantities in the DragonDMS were incorrect, then you have the option to manually enter the stock value of the Part(s) directly against the part on your Parts invoice/Parts Issue.
Setting the Stock Value
Find and open the relevant Parts Invoice or Parts Issue. Double click on the Part(s) that have an ‘@‘ symbol next to the total price and click the Set Buying Price button. You will see the following screen:
Using the dropdown list, select the stock value for the parts outstanding. There are two options:
Standard Price – this displays the standard buying price as set on the Part Record.
Last Used Price – this displays the buying price used on the last order for this Part.
Having selected a stock value, the part will no longer show in the list of outstanding parts, and the stock value will then be sent to Sage50 to adjust your Parts Stock Nominal Code the next time the Sage Integration is Ran.
Adjusting the Buying Price of a negative stock part will create a Stock Adjustment for that Part Record for the quantity that has been added to the invoice or issue. This means the part will no longer show as negative stock. You can restrict users from being able to adjust the Buying Price by going to Settings > Employees > Double click on the relevant employee > Access Rights > Parts > Can set prices for negative issued stock.
How to View your Negative Stock
To get a list of all of your Outstanding Parts, you can run the following reports:
Parts Analysis – Retail – Unknown – This will show all parts added to Parts Invoices for which no buying price is known.
Parts Analysis – Service – Unknown – This will show all parts issued to services for which no buying price known.