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Lombard Feed

To select which cars are to be submitted in the Lombard feed go to Settings > Export > Settings > Lombard and tick the appropriate vehicles.

lombard vehicles

Please note, vehicles will only appear in the list if they meet the following criteria:
– The Purchase Invoice for the vehicle must have been printed
– The vehicle must have a location set in the vehicle record
– The vehicle must not have a Delivered to Customer date in the vehicle record

Submitting the Lombard Feed

Once all of the vehicles which are to be included in the feed have been ticked, click Export, after a few seconds you should get a message ‘Your Lombard Export has been successful’.

We submit the feed to Lombard at 14:30 every day.

Removing vehicles from the Lombard Feed

Vehicles will be automatically removed from the Lombard feed for the following reasons:

– The vehicle has a Delivered to Customer date (effectively removing it from stock)

Alternatively, you can unselect the vehicle from within Settings > Export > Settings > Lombard

Updated on September 26, 2016

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