Job Items (parts, oils and extras) can be linked to Labour Lines which will then show under that particular Labour Line on the Service Invoice. Any un-assigned Parts will show under the relevant section on the Service Invoice.
To link Job Items to a labour line, create your Service as you normally would and add on any Labour Lines, Parts, Oils and Extras that are needed. Double click on a Labour Line, then click on the Job Items tab.
You will then see a list of job items you have added to the job that are Not Assigned to a labour line. Tick the Assign box next to the relevant items that you want to link to that particular labour line. They will then show under an Assigned heading.
When you have finished linking items to that particular labour line, click Save. You can then open the next labour line and assign any relevant items as above. Please note, you do not have to link all job items to a labour line if you do not wish to.
Invoices, Proforma & Estimates
When you print your Service Proforma, Invoice or Estimate, it will show as below, with the linked job items showing under the relevant labour lines, and any ‘un-assigned’ parts showing under the relevant section for Parts, Oils and Extras.
The invoice example does not shows the Part prices. If you wish to suppress per line Part prices on Service Proforma, Invoices and Estimates, there is a setting which allows this. Click on the Settings button, then Service > Settings > Invoices and tick Suppress per line Part Prices (Hides all Prices, VAT rates & Discounts).
There is a final option to show just a single line for labour and show a price that includes the labour and any linked parts.
To do this open the labour line, click on the parts tab and tick the ‘Suppress all Parts on Invoice’.