How do I show the OLEV Grant on a Sales Invoice?
Build up the sales invoice with the pre grant figures, then at the bottom of the screen enter the value of the OLEV grant into the Additional Discount box.
Double click on the Additional Discount text and you will then be able to rename this to display as Less OLEV Grant.
When you print the sales invoice this will also show on the invoice as Less OLEV Grant.
How do I show the OLEV Grant from my supplier?
In the vehicle record go to the Supplier tab, click on Bonuses and then click Add Bonus.
Enter the description OLEV Grant, enter the date and the Bonus Price, remembering to select the correct VAT rate. Click Save.
If you look at the Deal Analysis on the vehicle record (Invoicing Tab > Deal Analysis) you will see the Additional Discount that was given on the sale (this is the OLEV Discount) and you will see the Bonus to the dealer (this is the OLEV grant due to you).