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  4. How to report on costs on Sold Vehicles

How to report on costs on Sold Vehicles

To get a list of all costs incurred on sold vehicles you can use the Cost Summary report. The Cost Summary report will list all cost on your vehicles, if you want to only report on the cost on sold vehicles you will need to add an extra Sale Date filter.

Report Filters

Step 1 – Enter the date range of the costs – this is the date of the cost, so we recommend making this date range quite wide as some vehicles may have been in stock for a while incurring costs. In the example below I have using the start of the financial year as my From date.

Step 2 – Enter the date range of the Sales date that you wish to report on. In the example below I am reporting only on vehicles with a sale date in June 2021.

To view the report click on Preview, this will display the report on screen. You can them choose to print or pdf the report. The report can also be exported to CSV if you want to then sort the data by vehicle or sales date.

Saving Report Filters

To save time the next time you run the report you can save report filters.

Add the filters and then click the Save button, you will be prompted to enter a name for your saved filters.

Saved filters dropdown list will then list your saved filters, so that you can select them next time and then just edit the dates.

Saving a report to your Favourites

You can add reports to your own list of favourite reports, this list is then displayed by default when you click on the Reports button.

To add, click on the report name and then click on the Add to Favourites button at the bottom right hand of the screen.

The report will now display in your list of favourite reports.

Updated on November 15, 2023

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