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Getting Started with Dragon APPraise

How Dragon APPraise Works

Dragon APPraise is a Mobile App that can be run on either Apple or Android mobile phones or tablets and allows you to do the following:

Vehicle Appraisals – Record the condition of vehicles coming into your dealership, from Part Exchange Vehicles to Courtesy Cars. Take images, record a video, retrieve live valuations and set up questions your user must answer about the vehicle.

Vehicle Health Checks – Give your service technicians the ability to carry out customised Vehicle Health Checks on service vehicles, including the ability to take photos and record a video which can be sent directly to the customer. You will also be alerted once the video has been watched by the customer.

Recording Sales Videos – Allow your sales staff to record videos about the vehicle a customer has enquired about. The video can then be sent directly to the customers mobile, alerting you when they have watched the video. It is also attached to the prospect and vehicle records in DragonDMS, allowing you to track and manage the enquiry from beginning to end.

Vehicles – You can also create stock vehicles in the Dragon APPraise app that will appear instantly in your DragonDMS. As well as this, you can advertise your stock directly to your Dragon hosted website or one of the many 3rd party advertisers that we feed too, all without the need to be sitting in front of a computer.

Where do I download the Dragon APPraise app?

Dragon APPraise can be downloaded from the App Store (for Apple devices) or the Google Play Store (for Android devices). Search for ‘Dragon2000’ and look for the following icon:


Allowing your DragonDMS users access to Dragon APPraise

To allow users access to Dragon APPraise, within your DragonDMS go to

Settings > System > Employees > double click on the relevant employee record > Access Rights > Appraise.

Logging into Dragon APPraise

When you open the Dragon APPraise app on your mobile or tablet, you will be taken to the following login screen:

PIN – this is your Dragon2000 customer reference number which can be found on your Dragon2000 invoices. If you are unsure what your customer reference number is, please contact our Support team on 01327 222 333 (option 1).

Username – enter the username you use to login to your DragonDMS.

Password – enter the password you use to login to your DragonDMS (you may have changed this as mentioned above).

** Please note, you will only require a WiFi, 3G or 4G connection whilst using Dragon APPraise in order to log in, look up the vehicle registration, get vehicle valuations and submit to your DragonDMS from the app. You will not need a connection when going around the vehicle taking photographs/videos and adding comments **

Once you have logged in, you will automatically be taken to the Appraisals screen. From the menu options at the bottom you can select the relevant area of the App that you would like to use: Appraisals, Vehicles, VHC and More.

Training Video

We have a video that shows all of the Appraise app features;

Updated on May 30, 2023

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