Require Consent for Marketing Option
The Require Consent for Marketing option will be disabled by default until May 25th 2018, when it will then be enabled for all users. When this setting is enabled, all new contacts that are created will be created without any marketing preferences (SMS, Email, Post, and Phone). This means that in order for any communications from within the DragonDMS to reach the contact, the user will need to manually select the marketing preferences that a contact has authorised the dealership to use.
The Require Consent for Marketing setting can be enabled before May 25th 2018 if you wish from within Settings > System > GDPR and ticking the Require Consent for Marketing box. DragonDMS will log when this option is enabled or disabled, including the user, date and time.
In order for a user to enable or disable this setting, they need to have the correct permissions. This can be changed in Settings > Employees > Access Rights > Other > Can Change the GDPR option.
Editing a Contact’s Marketing Consent
The left-hand side of the contact record will include the address and contact information on the first tab. This now includes a Marketing Consent section. This will allow you to record any marketing consent the customer has given and will also record when the customer last gave their consent to be contacted.
To edit a customer’s preferences click Edit Marketing Consent. This will confirm the customer’s current marketing preferences and allow you to enable or disable their preferences as well as excluding them from all marketing channels. Before saving any changes, there is also the option to add any notes so that there is a clear record of why the preferences have been changed.
For Franchised users, there is now an option to allow the customer’s details to be passed onto the manufacturers. This option will affect what details are sent to the manufacturer.
Once the details have been saved, a record will be created in the GDPR tab detailing the user who has made the changes, the date and time these changes were made, what has been disabled or enabled along with any notes that have been added.
A customer’s marketing preferences can also be edited by viewing their contact record in the following places:
- Service Booking Form
- Service Record
- Vehicle Sales Record
- CRM Prospect Record
Prompt for Re-consent
In DragonDMS 2018 you can now set the time period for re-consent. This means that if you have not updated a customer’s marketing preferences within the time period, you will be prompted to re-seek their marketing consent.
By default this will be set to 12 months, but the dealer is responsible for choosing an appropriate period of time to suit their individual business.
To set the re-consent time period, go to Settings > GDPR > GDPR Re-consent.
Wherever you can view a customer’s contact record within Dragon (Service Record, Vehicle Sales Record etc.) you will be able to see the date you last obtained their marketing consent.
If the last date of consent is over the time period set in the GDPR Re-consent section, it will prompt that you need to re-seek marketing consent from the customer.
You will also be able to see a list of contacts who you should re-seek marketing content from based on the re-consent options. This list can be found within Customers > All Contacts > Marketing Re-consent Needed.
GDPR Rights Requests
Rights Requests are actions that a customer can ask you to perform, including Right of Access (providing the customer with all of the information you hold on them) and Right to Erasure (deleting all information you hold on a customer).
In order to run either of the Rights Requests, the user must have the following permission enabled: Settings > Employees > Access Rights > Other > Can execute GDPR Rights Requests.
To perform a Rights Request you will need to find the relevant customer’s contact record and within the record click on the GDPR tab and then the GDPR Rights Request button. This will display a pop up box asking which Rights Request you wish to execute.
Right of Access
Selecting Right of Access will ask you for a reason for the request. This is required before you can export their data.
Once you have entered a reason for the request, click on Export Report which will export it to a CSV which can then be emailed to the customer.
The Right of Access request will also be logged on the GDPR screen including the user that executed the request, the date and time along with the reason why.
Right to Erasure
The Right to Erasure option will remove the customer from the DragonDMS in its entirety. Once this action has been completed it is irreversible.
If the customer has previous transactions against them, they will not be eligible for erasure.
If the customer does not have any previous transactions, you will be prompted to confirm before continuing as the action cannot be reversed.
Running this request will remove all of the customers details however, you will still be able to see which account names have been erased. To view erased accounts go to Customers from the main menu and then click on Utilities and GDPR Erasure. The list will show the name of the account that has been removed, the date and time this was done, who the user was that erased the record and the workstation the account was removed on.
Data Capture Print Out
To help you capture your customers marketing preferences, you can print a data capture form for your customer to complete with their details and consent.
The form can be printed in the following places:
Customer Menu – from the main menu, select the Customer button and then click on the Print Data Capture tab. This will print a blank report for the customer to complete.
Contact Record – in a customer’s contact record, click on Print / Email Reconsent and then select Print Data Capture Report. Any information you have for the customer will be printed on the report.
Customer Consent Portal – Subscription Required
The Customer Consent Portal is an additional subscription. If you would like to activate this, please contact the Dragon2000 Sales Team on 01327 222 333 (option 2).
The Customer Consent Portal will allow you to send your customers a unique URL to a web page where they can update how they wish to be contacted by you (Email, Telephone, SMS and Post).Any changes the customer makes via the consent portal will update their marketing preferences live within the DMS. It will also show a log of this on the GDPR screen within their contact record.
The customer consent portal looks like this:
When the Customer Consent Portal is activated, you will need to add your own company details and a URL link to your own website privacy policy to display your details in the “Contact Us” section on the portal, via Settings > System > GDPR > Consent Portal.
There are two ways in which you can then send the portal link to a customer:
Contact Record – in a customer’s contact record, click on Print / Email Reconsent and then select Email Link to Customer Consent Portal. This will automatically open an email containing the link to the customer’s unique portal page where they make changes to their own marketing preferences. You will need to have access to Outlook to use this option.
TPS (Telephone Preference Service) Check – Subscription Required
The TPS Check is an additional subscription. If you would like to activate this, please contact the Dragon2000 Sales Team on 01327 222 333 (option 2).
Whenever you enter a telephone number into your DragonDMS, it will automatically check that number against the TPS database. If the number is on the TPS database, DragonDMS will warn you and colour the number Red in all of the areas in the system.
When you subscribe to this feature, it will automatically check all numbers currently in your DragonDMS and colour them Red if the number appears on the TPS database.
Report Audit
Any report printing or exporting from within the DragonDMS is now tracked (including Customer Mailshots). This will allow you to see which reports have been run, the criteria used, the method (PDF, Print, CSV), the date and employee that completed the action.
To view the information you will need access to settings. The Report Audit can be found in Settings > Employees > Report Audit.
Additional Settings
GDPR Permissions
In settings, you can determine who has access to execute certain GDPR functions within the DragonDMS.
Can View / Edit Employee Records – this setting will prevent or allow users with access to settings being able to see and edit other user’s employee records.
Can Change the GDPR Option – this will prevent or allow users from being able to change the GDPR consent option in Settings > GDPR.
Can Execute GDPR Rights Requests – this will prevent or allow users from running GDPR Rights Requests (Right of Access and Right of Erasure).
When you create a new Email Mailshot template from within DragonDMS, it will now automatically add a line to the bottom of the email:
‘To unsubscribe, please reply with “Unsubscribe”’
From the Mail Merge items, you can also choose Unsubscribe Message which will insert the same text.
Currently, the customer’s telephone number and email will be printed on their invoice for both Vehicle Sales and Services. In settings, you can prevent these details from being shown if you wish.
Vehicle Sales
Settings > Vehicle Sales > Defaults > Invoicing > Show Customer Telephone No on Invoice
Settings > Vehicle Sales > Defaults > Invoicing > Show Customer Email on Invoice
Settings > Service > Settings > Invoices > Show Customer Telephone No on Invoice
Settings > Service > Settings > Invoices > Show Customer Email on Invoice