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Examples of Service Extras Postings

Examples of common Service Extras transactions in DragonDMS and the related postings created in Sage50 Accounts.

The Nominal Codes in these examples may not match the nominal codes that you have setup in your DragonDMS. The purpose of these examples is to show you what information is posted to Sage for each transaction in the DragonDMS, irrespective of the nominal code you have chosen to use.

Warranty Service Invoice printed

Warranty work undertaken on a customers vehicle. The full amount of the job is to be paid by the warranty company. Service job included labour and non stock parts

1. Sales Invoice (SI) raised against warranty company (ACMEWARR) crediting 4803 – Parts sales – Retail
2. Sales invoice (SI) raised against warranty company (ACMEWARR) crediting 0000 – Labour Sales
3. Sales invoice (SI) raised against warranty company (ACMEWARR) crediting 4400 – Labour Sales

Insurance Service Invoice printed, excess added

Insurance work undertaken. Service Invoice printed for insurance company less £100.00 excess, Service Invoice printed for car owner with excess only. Service job included Labour and Non-Stock Parts

1. Sales Invoice (SI) raised against insurance company (RACINSUR) which credits 4400 – Labour Sales
2. Sales Invoice (SI) raised against insurance company (RACINSUR) which credits 0000 – VAT Code
3. Sales Invoice (SI) raised against insurance company (RACINSUR) which credits 4800 – Parts Sales – Retail
4. Sales Credit (SC) raised against insurance company (RACINSUR) which debits 5999 – Dragon2000 Dummy Service Contras
5. Sales Invoice (SI) raised against vehicle owner (SMITHJ) which credits 5999 – Dragon2000 Dummy Service Contras

Receive Oils order

New Oils order received.

1. Purchase Invoice (PI) raised for supplier (EASTERNM) which debits 5630 – Stock Oil Purchase
2. Journal Debit (JD) against 1080 – Oil Stock
3. Journal Credit (JC) against 5649 – Oils Closing Stock

Credit note for returned Oils

Credit note raised for returned Oils order.

1. Purchase Credit (PC) raised for supplier (EASTERNM) which credits 5630 – Stock Oil Purchase
2. Journal Debit (JD) against 5649 – Oils Closing stock
3. Journal Credit (JC) against 1080 – Oil Stock

See examples of parts transactions being posted in Sage50

Updated on May 16, 2024

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