If you are already using Sage and have your own set of Nominal Codes, you may need to edit or create new Nominal Codes within the DragonDMS to fit in with your nominal structure. It is always advised that you discuss any changes to your Nominal Codes with your accountant before you start to add new codes, or change existing ones.
It is not advised that you make changes to the default Nominal Codes or descriptions part way through your financial year.
Editing existing default Nominal Codes
To edit a Nominal Code, double-click on the relevant Nominal Code in the list and a new box will appear showing you the current details for that Nominal Code. You can then overtype the details as required.
Please note that if you edit or add any nominal codes, you need to ensure that you amend the ‘Nominal Code Ranges’ section so it matches your nominal structure.
Creating new nominal codes
Setting up new default Nominal Codes is a two stage process:
1. Adding the new Nominal Code to the list of Nominal Codes; and
2. Setting the new Nominal Code to be used as a default for the correct department (Used Sales/New Sales/ Service/Parts)
To add a new Nominal Code, click on ‘New Nominal Code’ and the following screen will appear where you can complete the details of the new code. You need to select a ‘Category’ and ‘Department’ and type in the ‘Nominal Code’ and ‘Description’. When you have finished, click ‘Save’.
The new Nominal Code will now be in your list of Nominal Codes, but will not have changed any of your default codes. To change your default codes you now need to go into each department (as required) as follows:
Vehicle Sales
Go to Settings > Vehicle Sales > Vehicle Groups – you will then see a list of the vehicle groups within the DragonDMS separated into ‘New’ and ‘Used’. Please note you can add a new ‘Used Vehicle Group’ or ‘New Vehicle Group’ by clicking the relevant buttons if necessary.
Double-click on the group you wish to edit the Nominal Code for then click on the ‘Sales Codes’ tab/ ‘Purchase Codes’ tab and edit the Nominal Codes as required. Click ‘Save’.
Go to Settings > Service > Defaults – from the ‘Departments’ tab you will see a list of the current departments. Please note you can add a new ‘Department’ by clicking the ‘New Department’ button if required.
Double-click on the group you wish to edit the Nominal Code for then click on the ‘Nominal Sales Codes’ tab/‘Nominal Purchase Codes’ tab and edit the nominal codes as required. Click ‘Save’.
Go to Settings > Parts > Sales & Purchase and click on the ‘Sales Defaults’ tab/‘Purchase Defaults’ tab and edit the codes as required. Within these tabs you can add a new ‘Department’ by clicking the ‘New Department’ button.
Duplicated codes warning
The DragonDMS will warn you if you have used a Nominal Code more than once. To view the details of the duplications, click on the warning.
In the example warning shown above, the nominal codes have been duplicated on purpose. This is because the same nominal code is to be used for both ‘New’ and ‘Used’ vehicle bonuses, therefore there are two entries on the list of nominal codes.
We would recommend checking the duplicated list to ensure you haven’t accidently duplicated a code.
Please note when you first run a Sage Integration from the DragonDMS, Sage will check to see if the Nominal Codes being posted exist in Sage. If the code exists, no action is required in Sage. If the code does not exist, Sage will create the new Nominal Code and will use the description from the DragonDMS.
In the duplicate example above, two codes have been created for the same Nominal Code, but with different descriptions. When the code is first created in Sage, it will take the description of the first posting, so if it is a new vehicle bonus the description will be created in Sage as ‘New Vehicle Bonus’, and this description will then be used for all postings to Nominal Code 4011, even those for used vehicle bonuses.