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DragonDMS – March 2018

New DragonDMS features include the ability to raise Job Card Requests from within a stock vehicle, the introduction of Access Rights Groups and much more


New Features

  • Branches can now be set against Vehicle Groups in Settings – this means that when a user creates a vehicle it will use their default branch to select the correct Vehicle Group, applying the correct nominal code structure
  • New Events Filter on ‘My Sales Diary’ which allows you to filter by event type i.e. telephone call, handover etc.
  • Job Card Requests can now be raised from within a vehicle record, allowing the Sales Executives the ability to raise requests for work to be carried out. From within a vehicle record, click on the ‘Select Action’ dropdown box in the bottom left hand corner and choose Job Card Request. Complete the information and press ‘Raise Job Card Request’ this will then be sent through to the Service department as a pending booking, showing at the top of the Bookings list under ‘Job Card Requests from the Sales Department


  • The order of custom fields can now be changed in Settings. Go to Settings > Vehicle Sales > Settings > Custom Fields tab and use the ‘Up’ and ‘Down’ buttons to reorder your custom fields
  • New ‘Deleted By’ column within Vehicle Sales > Utilities > Revive which shows which users have deleted vehicles


New Features

  • Branches can now be set against Service Departments in Settings – this means that when a user creates an Estimate, Booking or Service it will use their default branch to select the correct Service Department, applying the correct nominal code structure
  • There is a new tick option on each labour line called ‘Suppress all Parts on Invoice’ – this will prevent all of the parts linked to that one labour line from showing on the invoice
  • The Sales department can now send Job Card Requests through to the Service department for things such as Pre Delivery Inspections. Job Card Requests can be found listed within Service > Service Bookings > Pending Bookings. You can then open the request and accept or reject the booking


  • Parts Status now shows as a column on the ‘Staged Services in Progress‘ list
  • Engine Code will now show within a Service record under Overview tab > Additional Detail tab > Vehicle Details – Additional section as ‘Engine Model Description
  • For any bookings where ‘Customer Waiting’ has been ticked, these will be highlighted yellow in the diary. It will also show ‘*** Customer Waiting ***’ on the job card for the technician


New Features

  • Branches can now be set against Parts Groups in Settings – this means that when a user creates an order, return, estimate or invoice it will use their default branch to select the correct Parts Group, applying the correct nominal code structure


  • Supplier reference will now show on a return (if a reference was added to the order the return relates to)



  • Stock Value Report now shows ‘Last Sold’ date
  • New Daily Takings Report which shows all payments taken within a set date range. This report can also be filtered. This is found in Reports > Accounts > General
  • New Silent Salesman – No Images – Landscape report found within Vehicle Sales > Vehicle Stock
  • The Stock Check Barcode report can now be filtered by location



Employee Access Rights have been expanded to give administrators more control over the permissions they give to other users. This includes various new permissions and the ability to give a user ‘Read Only Access’ to a particular department.

All of this information can be viewed in an Employee record from within Settings and selecting ‘Access Rights

We have also introduced the ability to create ‘Access Rights Groups’ – this will allow you to create groups and set the exact permissions you wish before selecting that group against employee records. This means that if you need to grant or withdraw a permission from the employees that have that group selected, you will only need to do it once within the group for it to take effect.

Access Rights Groups can be found in Settings > System > Employees > Options



GDPR Changes – we have made a number of improvements to help our users meet their GDPR obligations.

Firstly, we have introduced a new setting called, ‘Require Consent for Marketing’. This setting will require users to gain authority from the customer regarding the methods of contact that they wish to be contacted via – with this setting enabled, all marketing options will be unticked by default.

This setting is located in Settings > System > GDPR called ‘Require Consent for Marketing’.

Secondly, there is now a section within a contact record called ‘GDPR’ – this section shows an audit trail to the user, detailing all of the changes made to that particular contact record’s marketing preferences. This includes who made the changes, when, and any notes that were recorded at the time.

Lastly, from within the GDPR section, users will be able to action requests such as Right to Erasure (right to be forgotten) and Right of Access.


Updated on April 23, 2018

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