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DragonDMS – August 2017

New DragonDMS features in this release include Vehicle Health Check/APPraise mobile app enhancements, new service goodwill departments, Experian checks and much more


New Features

  • Experian lookups are now available in vehicle records (found within a Vehicle Record > Value / Checks tab)
  • You can now choose to prevent part exchange vehicles from having a stock number, meaning they won’t show in the ‘Vehicles in Stock’ lists. There is a new setting under Settings > Vehicle Sales > Defaults > Vehicle called ‘Add Part Ex as Pending?’ – if enabled, you can choose at which point you wish for them to be brought into stock by clicking ‘Confirm Part Exchange’ on the PX page of the vehicle you are bringing them in against
  • You can now have ‘MOT Due date’ as a column in the ‘Vehicles in Stock’ menu
  • When you attach a customer to a vehicle, the Sales Status can automatically be changed to ‘Reserved’ if you have the setting enabled in Settings > Vehicle Sales > Defaults > Vehicle
  • If you are set up as a Sales Executive and attach a customer to a vehicle, it will automatically select you as the Sales Executive for the deal
  • When dating Invoices and Credits (both Purchase and Sales), DragonDMS will warn you if the date you entered is before your Sage integration date


  • Adding new Features to vehicles is now much easier and faster. Simply copy and paste (or type) features separated by commas
  • ‘Purchased By’ can now be made a mandatory field


New Features

  • Service goodwill – you can now set if a department is Goodwill. This will not post an SI to Sage, but a journal to the chosen nominal – see Service Goodwill help article
  • From the booking diary, you can now print all job cards for the day in one go
  • There is a new setting under Settings > Parts > Sales & Purchase > General called ‘Warn of duplicate parts across stages’ – if enabled, the user will be warned if a part is added to a stage that also exists on another stage
  • Brief Description can now show on the Barcoded Job Card if you have the setting enabled in Settings > Service > Settings > Invoices
  • You can now show ‘Hours Charged’ on the Service Invoice if you have enabled the setting in Settings > Service > Settings > Invoices
  • When dating Invoices and Credits (both Customer and Warranty/Insurance), DragonDMS will warn you if the date you entered is before your Sage integration date


  • If you use labour line invoice descriptions, the descriptions will be saved against the labour line for use next time
  • You can now update all Service template parts prices and labour rates at the click of a button from within Settings > Service > Templates
  • Estimate revisions will now show more details about the vehicle and customer
  • You can now exclude certain advisories from the invoice if you wish
  • ‘Mileage’ can be now be made a mandatory field when you print an invoice for a warranty/insurance company


New Features

  • You can now enter a ‘Customer Reference’ when issuing stock from an order
  • You can now issue parts from an order choosing whether to use an existing issue or create a new one


  • New employee permission to allow or restrict employees to be able to change the ‘Selling Price’ when ordering parts, for when the part is eventually issued. This is found in Settings > Employees > double click on the relevant employee > Access Rights > Parts tab
  • Customer details will now show on the ‘Parts Issue’ print out


New Features

  • Double clicking a ‘Service Advisory due’ will allow you to create a booking or set a new follow up date for it
  • When you create a new prospect record, the last step of the creation wizard will allow you to create a follow up


  • Email can now be made a mandatory field


New Features

  • You can now add comments and images to Green items
  • You can now take three measurements per tyre, record the size, manufacturer, condition notes and take images
  • You can now choose, per template, how you want to measure brakes (% worn, % remaining, mm worn, mm remaining)
  • You can now add multiple images to a VHC item
  • You can now automatically Text and Email the VHC video to the customer from the app
  • You can now add items on the fly whilst conducting a VHC by clicking ‘Add Item’ at the bottom of each page
  • Appraisal questions can now be shown on the print out. To enable this, go to Settings > APPraise > Appraisals

See APPraise Update – Vehicle Health Check Enhancements help article for more details


  • Improved pricing ability on a VHC – you can now add parts to a VHC item by double clicking it
  • You can now delete a Sales Video recorded for a stock vehicle record
  • If you send the same sales video multiple times to the same contact (via SMS and then by email for example) it won’t create two separate follow ups


New Features

  • New report showing Service payments over a given period called ‘Daily Sales – Payment Types’
  • New report called ‘Service Components – Nominal Codes’ has been added into the accounts section. This report will detail all components on a service and the nominal codes and tax codes they will integrate to in Sage


  • ‘Vehicle Sales’ report can now be filtered by ‘Selling Price’
  • ‘Used Vehicle Purchases – VAT Input’ report will now show credits
  • ‘Purchased By’ has been added as a filter to all Vehicle Sales reports
  • The report ‘Reserved Stock – Management’ is now ordered by ‘Date Reserved’
  • ‘Agreed Delivery Date’ is now an available filter on the ‘Reserved Stock – Management’ report
  • There is now a grand totals section at the end of the ‘Daily Sales – Payments Types’ Service report


New Features

  • When you attach a customer to a vehicle, the Sales Status can automatically be changed to ‘Reserved’ if you have the setting enabled in Settings > Vehicle Sales > Defaults > Vehicle
  • There is a new setting under Settings > Parts > Sales & Purchase > General called ‘Warn of duplicate parts across stages’ – if enabled, the user will be warned if a part is added to a stage that also exists on another stage
  • You can now show ‘Hours Charged’ on the Service Invoice if you have enabled the setting in Settings > Service > Settings > Invoices
Updated on August 7, 2017

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