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DragonDMS – April 2019

New DragonDMS features include attaching standalone estimates to existing jobs, linking bays and courtesy cars to branches, report improvements and much more

Attach standalone Estimates to existing jobs

From a standalone estimate (one that has not been created from within a booking or service), you can now choose to attach the estimate to an existing booking, service or stage – effectively making it an emerging estimate.

When you are in an estimate, you now have the options to “Create New Booking”, “Create New Service” or “Add to Existing…” – the last option will allow you to select any booking or service that is in progress for that vehicle and customer. You can also choose to create a new stage if you wish.

Service bays, MOT bays and Courtesy Cars can now be linked to branches

You can now link Service Bays, MOT bays and Courtesy Cars to branches – this will allow admins to control which users are able to book to certain bays and the courtesy cars they have access to.


  • Adding Non-Stock parts to VHC lines – you could already add existing Non-Stock parts to a VHC, but you couldn’t create them and add them to the VHC line at the same time, you now can.
  • New Sales Video Report – the new report “Sales Video Analysis” will show the user details of sales videos recorded between selected dates.

Vehicle Sales

  • Job Card Request improvement – when you create a new Job Card Request you will see the MOT and Service Due dates – they will appear amber if they are due in the next 30 days and red if they are overdue.
  • Net Selling Price is now a column available on the Vehicles in Stock menu.
  • Body StyleReport filter – this has been added to the following reports; Stock Report, Stock Book, Stock in Report, Stock Report – Management, Stock Report Historical – Alternative.
  • Sale Agreed” column can now be added to the CRM menu “Agreed Sale – Awaiting Invoice”.
  • You can now add a Note to a prospect record, it no longer has to have a follow up date.
  • You can now have a mandatory field check for “Agreed Delivery” when you print an order form.
  • Stock Value Comparison report – this report will now show “Days in Stock”. You can also filter the report by this too.


  • Services on Hold menu improvement – any Services that have a Status containing the words “on hold” will now show in this list.
  • Service History Report Improvement – when you run the Service history report, it will ask whether you want to run the report by Chassis Number or Registration.
  • Service History Report fix – this report used to have a text box called “Internal Memo”, this has been changed to “Job Card Details” as this is what the field actually is on the job card.
  • Fire List Report improvement – this report will now show the description of the activity that the technician is clocked on.
  • Standard Job Card improvement – the MOT Date will now show on the standard job card.
  • Service Cost Report improvement – you can now filter the Service Cost Report by Service Department.


  • New report – there is a new report called “Parts Sales Quantity” which will show you the best-selling parts to services (not just internal services).
  • Suggested Re-order menu – this menu is currently set to show the “Reorder Qty” based on restocking the part to the minimum stock level (e.g. it will show you 1 to get you to the minimum stock quantity of 1 if you are at 0).
    There is now an option in settings that will change this column to be based on restocking the part to the maximum quantity (e.g. it will show 5 if you have a maximum quantity of 5 and are at 0).
  • Barcode column – this has been added to the Parts Stock menu and the Advanced Search.
  • Memo column – this has been added to the Parts Returns menu.

Employee Permissions

  • Can add/edit Technician times – new permission that will prevent users from adding or editing technician labour times.
Updated on April 3, 2019

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