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DragonDMS 2024 – August 2024

The latest version of DragonDMS includes improved Auto Trader advertising features, easier way to view technician comments, download images uploaded from Workshop app, ability to easily see if a vehicle is ULEZ Compliant and a brand new payment integration with Clover as well as two way text messaging.

Clover Payment Integration

A new integration has been setup to allow users to link DragonDMS directly to Clover card machines.

In DragonDMS, the user will find the transaction that is to be paid, enter the payment amount and select the linked Clover card machine. The payment amount will then be displayed on the linked Clover card machine ready for the customer to authorise. Once the payment has been successful it will show against the transaction in DragonDMS.

If you would like to know more about the Clover payment integration please contact our sales team on 01327 222 333 option 2.

Two way text messaging

We have extended our text messaging to allow dealers to receive text message replies from your customers directly into DragonDMS.

The received text message will automatically be added to the customer’s activity within their customer record and a follow-up will display on the dashboard of the user who sent the original text message.

Please contact our sales team on 01327 222 333 option 2 if you would like to know more information about two way text messaging.

Vehicle Sales

ULEZ Compliant Features

Vehicle Emissions are already recorded within a Vehicle Record but now, a new ULEZ compliance field makes it easier to see if a vehicle is ULEZ compliant or not.

  • A new column for ULEZ Compliance is available which can be added to the main Vehicle in Stock screen. Right clicking on any column heading will allow you to add this column
  • If you use the Advertising features within Dragon, the ULEZ Compliant information will also show within a Vehicle Record > Advertising > Overview

Auto Trader Advertising Features

To streamline vehicle advertising to Auto Trader, several features have been added into the Advertising menu for Auto Trader portal. These include:

  • Columns for Deposit Amount, SIV and Days in Stock can be added to the main screen
  • The ability to filter between different Auto Trader Dealer ID’s if you have more than one branch linked to Dragon and Auto Trader
  • Overview of your Auto Trader quota per DID, showing how many vehicles are published, how many have been capped and how many are not published.

  • Auto Trader Status showing which will show if your vehicles have been Capped, Published or Not Published etc.
  • Auto Trader Price Indicator to let you know if the advert price of the vehicle is Great, Good, Fair, Low etc.

Multiple Discounts for a Vehicle Sale

When producing an invoice for a Vehicle Sale, you now have the option to record multiple discounts (previously, only 2 could be added).  On the Sales screen, just click on the + button next to Discounts to record these. All discounts will be detailed on the invoice.

Image Editor

A brand new image editor is now available which includes the following features:

  • Library Images – You can now add a suite of your own standard library images to the editor which will be available to select individually or in bulk against each vehicle record.
  • Smart Images – If a vehicle has optional extras, the smart images will display the value of those extras and are available for you to include in your vehicle advert.
  • QR Code – Scan the QR Code within the image editor to upload images to the vehicle directly from your mobile device.

For more information Image Editor – August 2024 – Knowledgebase (dragon2000.co.uk)

Selling Price Setting

A new setting has been added giving you the option to have the Selling Price of a vehicle, automatically updated when the Advert Price of the vehicle is changed.

To switch on this setting go to Settings > Vehicle Sales > Defaults > Vehicle and tick Update Selling Price when Advert Price is updated and no Customer is attached.

This setting will only apply if there is no Customer attached to the record and if the Target Price option has not been used.


Technician Comments on Service overview

Comments added via the Workshop app now show on a new Technicians Comments tab within the Service Overview Tab. Making it quicker and easier to view all technician comments on a job.

A new column – No. Comments can be added to the Service in Progress list, to easily identify which jobs have technician comments.

Download option for images

Images added as technician comments, VHC items, vehicle appraisals or condition reports can now be downloaded from within DragonDMS.

Electronic Signature for Job Cards

This feature is only available if you use the Workshop App

When receiving a job into the workshop via the app, there is the option to record a customer’s signature. The signature will then be uploaded into the DMS and stored against the Service Record in Job Items > Job Card > Signatures.

The customer’s signature will be displayed and it will be date and time stamped.

Calculating Selling price from Cost + % Markup

Option to calculate the selling price of service items using cost + markup %.

Stock Parts

A setting has been added that allows you to calculate the Selling Price of a stock part, based on a percentage Mark up from the buying price.

Settings > Parts > Settings > Prices > Base Selling Price on mark up price of Buying Price

You can add the Mark Up Percentage either in a Stock Part Record or a Parts Order by clicking Edit next to the Selling Price.


The following reports have been added:

  • Historical Oil Stock Report
  • Supplementary Invoice Report
  • Service & MOT Reminder Response Rates
  • Service Sales Daily Profit

A filter has also been added to the Daily Takings Report for Website Payments – this will show any Stripe Payments that have come directly from your Dragon hosted website.

Additional New Features

  • When multiple items have been combined on a VHC Report, the Action column will update to show which items have been combined.
  • Service Stock Oils now has a Suggested Order, Stock Replenishment feature.
  • Number of Photos column is now available in the Parts Stock menu.
  • You can record two different email addresses against a contact record.
  • Copy advertising text from previous vehicle records.
  • Prompt to advise if technician is still clocked on a job when invoicing the job.
  • Option to add VRT (Irish Vehicle Registration Tax) to show on Dragon2000 hosted websites.


Updated on September 2, 2024

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