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DragonDMS 2020 Version – November 2019

New DragonDMS 2020 release including Making Tax Digital, new Workshop app with digital job cards, Autodata Integration and much more

New Products/Integrations

MTD/VAT Return

The DragonDMS can now connect to HMRC to submit the VAT return digitally. This includes the new “Accounting” section that will allow dealers to raise standalone customer and supplier invoices which can also integrate to Sage.

For more information, view our Making Tax Digital help article. 

Workshop App

A Digital Job Card application for mobile and tablets which has electronic job cards for technicians to clock on and off. Service Advisors can track and monitor their technicians’ activity in real time. Users can also complete Service VHC’s and Condition Reports.

For more information, view our Dragon2000 Workshop App help article. 

Autodata Integration

Service Repair Times from Autodata are now available in the DragonDMS. This will greatly reduce the time and complexity of creating a booking, estimate or service job. Repair times can be found via the Service menu, within a service record, or during the booking process. Fault codes can be integrated with the Workshop app.

For more information, view our Autodata Integration help article. 

Notable Changes

  • Parts System Update – redesign of the parts transactions screen and back end processing. The functionality remains the same, but the screen layouts have been updated.
  • “Advertised Price” on the invoicing tab has been changed to be “Screen Price” – we have changed the “Advertised Price” on the vehicle invoicing tab to be “Screen Price”.
  • “Website Price” on the Advertising tab has been changed to be “Advert Price” – we have changed the “Website Price” on the vehicle advertising tab to be “Advert Price” – this was to stop confusion as it was never used in any advertising feeds.
  • All advertising feeds will use the Advert Price – the Advert Price will be used for website feeds and all 3rd party advertising feeds. In addition, there is a new option to set specific advert prices by advertiser, this is done on the Sites screen within advertising in the vehicle record.
  • Additional transactions will post to Sage – currently, if you create a cost and subsequently delete it before you integrate, it will never be shown in Sage – it now will. This is due to the new MTD integration and our need to reverse transactions in later VAT periods.


  • Booking creation improvement – Add Job Items – you can now add job items (labour, parts, oils and extras) during the booking process. It is at this point you can also lookup and add in repair times from Autodata.
  • Booking creation improvement – Up-sell previous VHC items – during the booking process, “Outstanding VHC Items” (items on previous VHCs that were deferred or not actioned) will be presented to the user, allowing them to up-sell previous VHC advisories.
  • Booking creation improvement – Main Technician – you can now set the “Main Technician” during the booking process – this will tie in with the new app, automatically assigning the Technician to any work. The main technician can also show on the booking diary.
  • Job Card Request improvement – the Job Card Request from the Sales Department will now include the current Sales Status and the Agreed Delivery Date, if applicable. This will help the service team to prioritise job requests from Sales.
  • Ability to amend non-productive clockings – users of the clock or the Workshop app will be able to manually edit non-productive clockings, users will need access to Settings to action this (Settings > Service > Clocking > Non-Productive).
  • Temporary Job Card Bar Codes – users can set the default number of temporary bar codes to be shown when you print the barcoded job card. This can be set in Settings > Service > Settings > Invoices.
  • Display Customer Telephone Number – there is a setting in Settings > Service > Settings > Invoices called “Show Customer Telephone No. on Invoices” – if ticked, customer telephone numbers will show on service invoices and estimate print outs.

Vehicle Sales

  • Price Change History – on the invoicing page, we now track price changes to Screen Price and/or Advert Price, recording the date, user and price movement.
  • Body Style Filter – within the advertising section of a vehicle, we have added a drop down called “Body Style Filter” – going forward, websites will use this to show the correct body style icon.
  • Advert Price – all third-party vehicle feeds will now use the Advert Price on the Advertising > Overview page rather than the old “Advertised Price” from the Sales Invoicing page.
  • All Vehicles Advertising Menu – from one screen (Advertising > All Vehicles) you can now see which sites each vehicle is advertised on, the number of photos and number of features. From this screen users can add and remove vehicles to and from different advertisers.
  • Existing deposit warning – users will now receive a warning if you attempt to change or delete a customer from a vehicle record if a deposit has been taken.
  • Advertising text character count – a character count has been added to the Advertising Text box on the Advertising Overview page within a vehicle record.


  • Deal Stacker – apply templates to a prospect deal – users can now apply and un-apply pre-set sales templates to a prospect deal.
  • Deal Stacker – Deal Analysis – users can now view the Deal Analysis screen within each prospect deal on the Deal Stacker.
  • Multi select vehicle interests during prospect creation – when creating a prospective customer, you can multi select vehicles that they are interested in.
  • Service follow up menus – users that have multiple branches can now filter the Service follow up menus by Branch. Address is also now an available column.


  • Buying Price user permission – users can now be prevented from setting the Buying Price of a negative issued part by disabling the option “Can set prices for negative issued stock” from within the users’ employee record in settings.
  • Parts Order – Email to Supplier – the “Email to Supplier” button within a Parts Order used to confirm the order – it no longer does.


Vehicle Sales

  • Salesperson Activity Overview” – new report – this new report will show you your salespersons’ activity over a period of time.
  • “Sales Report – Vehicle Details” – you can now filter by Body Style.
  • Vehicle Stock Report”/“Vehicle Stock Report – Management” – both of these reports will now include “Advert Price” on the CSV export.
  • Vehicle Sales Report” – you can now filter by Brand.
  • Reserved Stock Report” – you can now filter by Agreed Delivery Date.


  • Deleted Services” – new report – this new report will show the deleted services, including date and user.
  • Technician Times CSV Report” – new report – this new report will show the daily tech times and cumulative technician times for a defined date range.
  • Open Jobs with Deposits” – new report – this new report will show you all open bookings and services that have a deposit added against them.
  • Service Efficiency Technician Lines” – you can now filter this report by Job Number.
  • Invoice Log – Detailed” – you can now filter this report by Body Style.
  • Service Log – Totals” – you can now group this report by Branch, Category, Service Advisor and Service Department.


  • Four new “Deleted” reports – four new reports have been added to show when a parts transaction was deleted. These reports are: “Deleted Orders”, “Deleted Invoices”, “Deleted Returns” and “Deleted Credits”.
  • Parts Issued to Workshop” – new report – this new report will show parts that are currently issued to open service jobs.
  • Daily Sales Payment Types” – this report will now include deposits.
  • Parts Orders – Awaiting Parts” / “Parts Orders – Received in Full” / “Parts Received List” – these three reports can now be filtered by Branch, Location, Order Date, Order Number, Part Description, Part Number, Supplier, Supplier Name and Total Price.
  • Parts Orders – Awaiting Parts” – this report can now be filtered by Quantity Outstanding, Value Outstanding and Value Received.


  • Daily Takings Report” – you can now filter this report by Branch.


Updated on November 21, 2019

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