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DragonDMS 2018 Version – December 2017

New features in DragonDMS 2018 including Sales and Service Dashboards to show you reminders and stats, Deal Stacker, MOT Scheduler and much more


New Features

  • User Dashboards – At a glance see your active sales leads, customer reminders, follow ups and view the latest notifications. You can also view key business statistics such as deals in progress, vehicle matches, average profit, etc. Please see our Dashboard help article for more information.
  • Deal Stacker – Create and present a proposed deal sheet to your prospective customer, including a “Deal Sheet” breakdown of the sale and representative finance figures. Please see our Deal Stacker help article for more information.
  • Finance Calculator – Easily calculate representative finance examples for a stock vehicle. Please see our Finance Calculator help article for more information.


  • Within the Notification section on your Dashboard and with a Prospect Record, DragonDMS will now alert you of current prospective customers who own vehicles that may interest other current prospective customers, allowing you to make informed purchases of part exchanges.
  • The Days in Stock column can now be colour coded, alerting you to aging stock. This can be set in Settings > Vehicle Sales > Settings > Stock Alerts and click the New Stock Alert button.
  • Easily see which vehicles aren’t advertised with an online advertiser. To do this from within Vehicle Sales click on Advertising, select the advertiser on the right and then select ‘Vehicles not advertised’ at the bottom. The left list will show you what is not advertised with that advertiser.
  • You are now able to bulk delete advertising features. Select all of the features you wish to delete, and click the Remove Feature button. All those selected will then be removed.
  • Where you have a VAT number for a Supplier, when printing a purchase invoice, the VAT number will be shown on the invoice.
  • If you have the relevant permission in your employee access rights, you can now choose whether or not to post costs through to Sage. This permission is found in Settings > System > Employees > double click on the relevant employee > click on Access Rights tab > Other tab then tick or untick the ‘Can change ‘Do not post to Sage’ on costs’ box.
  • You can now set Vehicle Type as a mandatory field. This can be done from within Settings > Vehicle Sales > Settings > Record Fields > click on the New Mandatory Field button and select Vehicle Type from the dropdown list.
  • When printing a Sales Invoice, any pending part exchanges on the deal will automatically be confirmed.
  • When adding a Part Exchange to the sale of a vehicle, you can now add the Advertised Price and Website Price at that point.
  • You can now add Model Year as a column heading. Clicking this heading will sort the data in date order.
  • In the Vehicle ‘Sold’ menus, you can now add columns for Invoice Total and Outstanding.
  • In the ‘Vehicles in Stock’ menus, you can now add Glass Valuation columns.
  • You can now choose to see the MOT Due Date for vehicles in your Reserved Stock list by adding the relevant column.


New Features

  • User Dashboard – Instantly see which service bookings are due for today, your customer reminders, follow ups and the latest Service notifications. You can also view key business statistics such as the number of services in progress, number of technicians currently idle, current WIP value, etc. Please see our Dashboard help article for more information.
  • MOT Scheduler – Manage your MOT bookings with the new MOT Scheduler (found in Service > MOT Scheduler). This will allow you to create MOT slots and book them to bookings or services. MOT bays and slots can be set up in Settings > Service > Workshop Loading > MOT Scheduler tab. Please see our MOT Scheduler help article for more information.
  • Customer Waiting – When creating a booking or service, you can now tick the Customer waiting box – this job will then be highlighted in the diary and on all service lists in Yellow, making it clear to users.


  • You can now send a VHC Video and VHC Report together in one email from within your DragonDMS.
  • You are now able to delete Vehicle Health Checks by clicking the Delete VHC button within a VHC.
  • When you open the Service Diary, it will load with your default Branch and the service list will only show records for that Branch. Where a user has access to more than one branch, all available branches will be displayed.
  • If you have the relevant permission in your employee access rights, you can now choose whether or not to post costs through to Sage. This permission is found in Settings > System > Employees > double click on the relevant employee > click on Access Rights tab > Other tab then tick or untick the ‘Can change ‘Do not post to Sage’ on costs’ box.



  • You are now able to add Available Qty as an optional field when issuing parts.



  • You will get a duplicate warning when viewing a contact if some of the contact information is the same as another contact in the system. The warning will tell you what information is the same i.e. postcode, telephone numbers, email. Clicking on the warning will take you to the potential duplicate.
  • There is now an Open Enquiry button from within a follow up for a prospect.



  • Oils Analysis report will now show a total for quantities.



  • New setting to allow employees to be able to view/edit/delete costs against a vehicle record when they are unable to see sensitive data. This can be enabled within Settings > System > Employees > double click on the relevant employee > click on Access Rights tab > Vehicle Sales tab then tick or untick the ‘Can view/edit/delete costs’ box. In addition to this, if a user does not have either of the permissions ticked for ‘Can view sensitive data’ or ‘Can view/edit/delete costs’, they will still have the ability to add costs against extras/warranties, however they will not be able to view these once added.
  • You can now set Vehicle Type as a mandatory field. This can be done from within Settings > Vehicle Sales > Settings > Record Fields > click on the New Mandatory Field button and select Vehicle Type from the dropdown list.
Updated on November 22, 2017

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