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DragonDMS – November 2016

New DragonDMS features/improvements including changes to Vehicle Health Checks, how to create enquiries from a vehicle record and much more

New Features

Release of DragonDMS version 2017 with new main menu

Stock Qty, Available and On Order columns are now available from within the Parts > Parts Stock > Allocated menu screen

The ‘CRM Enquiries Overview’ report, which can be found in Reports > Vehicle Sales > CRM, now features a breakdown of each salesperson’s enquiries and their Open, Agreed and Lost Sales

There are a range of time periods now available from the left-hand side of the Vehicle Sales CRM menu screen. There is also now an ‘All’ option for you to choose

Events in the Sales Diary will now show a Salesperson next to them if one has been allocated, while moving your mouse over an event will bring up a pop up of the details

Agreeing a sale from within a Prospect Record will now lead to you being taken to the Invoicing tab of a Vehicle Record

VHC’s can now be issued ‘To Jobs’ and ‘To Advisories’ from within a Service Record

Opening a Service Record with a VHC attached and adding ‘Labour’ will now lead to a new ‘Items from VHC’ being displayed in the bottom half of the popup. This shows items that have been marked as ‘To Job’, ‘No Action’ or have been left unticked

When adding an ‘Advisory’ to a Service Record with a VHC attached, the bottom half of the popup will show any items that have been marked as ‘To Advisories’, ‘No Action’ or have been left unticked

You can now choose to ‘Print VHC with Service Invoice’ from within Settings > Service > Settings > Invoices

You can now ensure that a VHC must be completed before an Invoice is printed by going to Settings > Service > Settings > Record Creation > Mandatory Fields > New Mandatory Field and choosing ‘VHC Completion’

Reports now has a new APPraise category that includes a Vehicle Health Check sub category, which includes a ‘VHC Statistics Report’

After you first log in after the latest update, you will be prompted with a message asking you if you like would like to see ‘What’s New?’. If you select ‘Yes’, you will be directed to the New Version Release Notes on the Knowledge Base

Autotrader Stocking Limits – From within Car Sales > Advertising > Autotrader you can now set the order your vehicle stock is sent by toggling your stock with the ‘Up’ and ‘Down’ buttons.

Parts can now be issued straight to an Invoice directly from within an Order

There is a new customer facing Vehicle Stock report that lists each vehicle in stock and has the dealers artwork at the top. It is called ‘Stock Report – Customer facing’.


Exporting the ‘Awaiting Customer Response’ list from within the CRM Service module to CSV now includes the ‘Due Date’ within it

You are now able to ‘Delete’ or ‘Add a copy’ of a vehicle that has a Cost and had a Purchase Invoice printed

Printed out VHC Reports are now able to display more text in the Comments section

Prospect and Contact Records will now be updated with confirmation and a follow up event after a Sales Video has been sent to a Prospect

The Vehicle Interest tab within a Prospects Record now shows the ‘Date Recorded’ instead of the ‘Date Contacted’ in the list column

In Service CRM > Next Days > Advisory Due, the Advisory Details will now be present on the exported CSV list

The ‘Export’ button on the Lombard Feed will now be disabled while the feed is being sent. The ‘Export Number’ and ‘Date Update’ will be subsequently updated after a successful upload

You can now delete a Finance Company from within its Contact Record after you have removed it from against all vehicles and services

Sales Videos that have been sent to a Prospect will be in orange text within the follow up page if they haven’t been watched yet, while they will be in green if they have been watched

A Prospect Record and the Salesman’s Diary will display the same popup if the event relates to a Prospect

Restorer invoices now display the Engine Number on them. This can be configured by going to Settings > Service > Settings > Invoices and selecting ‘Restorer’

You can now print a Parts Order, once you have selected a Supplier, without having to confirm it

The Current Vehicle page within a Prospect Record now shows all the Appraisals that have been done for that selected vehicle

You can now filter the ‘Sales Report’, which is found in Reports > New/Used Vehicle Sales > Vehicle Sales, by the ‘Purchased By’ field

‘Inspection Next Due’ can now be set as a Mandatory Field for a Vehicle Sales Record by going in to Settings > Vehicle Sales > Settings and choosing ‘New Mandatory Field’

Find out more about the changes to Vehicle Health Checks and creating a prospect enquiry.

Updated on May 12, 2017

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