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  3. Dragon2000 Portal Overview

Dragon2000 Portal Overview

Dragon2000 has launched Portal, it’s a web based platform which is integrated with your DragonDMS.

Stock Management

From within Portal users can easily manage their vehicle stock, adding new vehicles, editing existing stock and sending stock to 3rd party advertisers.

Lead Management

Incoming enquiries are displayed in Portal allowing users to quickly respond to prospective buyers. Portal is linked to our Appraise app allowing users to view and send sales videos or view vehicle appraisals without the need to be at your desk.

Website Analytics

Dealers who have a Dragon2000 hosted website, can link Portal to their analytics account, allowing them to see statistics like number of visitors each day, visits by device type, visits by source and much more.

How to login

Ensure you have the correct access rights then go to Portal.dragon2000.co.uk  and enter you company PIN, your username and password.

PIN – this is your Dragon2000 customer reference number which can be found on your Dragon2000 invoices. If you are unsure what your customer reference number is, please contact our Support team on 01327 222 333 (option 1).

Username – enter the username you use to login to your DragonDMS.

Password – enter the password you use to login to your DragonDMS.

*If you have been a Stocklister user you can use your Stocklister username and password with your PIN

Logging into Portal will use one of your DMS licences, a user can’t be logged into both Portal and the DragonDMS at the same time.

User Access Rights

The following user access rights need to be enabled on the employees record to allow them to login to Portal.

From within DragonDMS go to Main Menu > Settings > System > Employees search for the employee you wish to give access too and double click to open their employee record.

Click on Access Rights, check the user has a username & password, and has Login Enabled Ticked.

In the Apps tab tick Portal and if you want this user to be able to access with website settings tick Can Access Website Section (Portal).

Overview Video

Updated on November 15, 2023

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