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Differences in Work in Progress (WIP) Figures

Understanding how DragonDMS posts WIP journals

When a service job is created in DragonDMS it is given a received date, when the Sage Integration is run any service jobs in progress that have an invoice total ( i.e any value greater than 0.00) are posted to your WIP nominal as a Journal Debit. The journal is dated using the received date of the job.

Each time you integrate to Sage the WIP journal will be updated if the value of the job has changed.

When the job is invoiced off and you run the Sage integration the WIP Journal Debit is updated with the final net invoice value and that same net invoice total is used for the journal Credit to your WIP nominal. The journal credit is dated using the invoice date. So once a job has been invoiced off the Journal Debit and Journal Credit will have cancelled each other off.

The journal debit uses the received date of the job
The journal credit uses the invoiced date of the job

The Sage Integration dates are key to this.

If your system is setup to use rolling Sage Integration dates, this means that the dates used for the integration and are always going back 4 months from the current date.

As long as your jobs are opened, updated and invoiced off within 4 months the WIP journal debits and journal credits will cancel each other off.

Why does the WIP value in DragonDMS not match that is Sage?

1. Make sure you are running the correct report in DragonDMS

Use the ‘Work In Progress’ report which can be found in Reports > Service under the ‘Service in Progress’ heading. This report will give you the WIP figure of all open service jobs, the report will break this down into a list of all open jobs and a list of jobs that have been marked as completed and not invoiced.

2. Check to see if you are using rolling Sage Integration dates

You can do this by going to the main menu in DragonDMS and clicking on Accounts > Setup if the Sage integration and Work In Progress dates are exactly 4 months from today then you are using the rolling dates.

3. Do you tend to have long term jobs that are open for more that 4 months?

Look at the received dated column on the Work in Progress report to see if any of your current open jobs have been open for more that 4 months. This will only tell you if any of your current jobs are older than 4 months, it will not tell you if you if any invoices jobs have been open for more that 4 months.

If a job is open for more that 4 months and you are using the rolling sage integration dates any changes to the invoice value of the open jobs ( up or down) will not be posted to Sage to update the Journal Debit and as such when the job is finally invoiced off the value of the journal credit no longer matches the value of the journal debit.

Another possibility is when invoices or credit notes are back dated, if the date that has been enetered is outwith the Sage integration dates these will not post to Sage.

Other things that can cause differences in the figures between DragonDMS and Sage:.

  1. If you have entered any manual transactions into Sage against the WIP nominal code, this will cause a difference between the WIP figure in the DragonDMS and Sage.
  2. If you had no opening WIP figure when you first started to use the Sage integration.


Updated on November 6, 2019

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