Service Dashboard

The Dashboard has been designed as an area to show all of the key information to assist users to carry out their daily tasks.

If you have access to both Sales and Service, you will have a Dashboard for each department. It will automatically default to the Sales Dashboard but you can change this in Settings > System > Employees > double click on the relevant employee > Other > Dashboard.  Here you can select your default dashboard (Sales or Service) and you can also specify if you want the Dashboard to be the users default login screen. 


From within the Service Dashboard, there is a quick action button to take you to the Service Booking Diary.

There are also three tabs: Overview, Reminders and Stats

Overview tab – Service

The Service Dashboard will open on the Overview tab. Here you have four areas as follows:

  • Service Bookings for Today
  • My Reminders for Today
  • My Notifications
  • Scratch Pad

Please note, this tab will automatically refresh every two minutes so the information is up to date.

Service Bookings for Today

This list will show you all service bookings with an arrival date of today. Double clicking a booking in this list will open the booking record on top of the Dashboard. Closing the booking record will take you back to the Dashboard.

My Reminders for Today – Service

This list will show you any reminders that you have set for today, including any overdue reminders in red (these will show below todays reminders).

Double clicking a reminder in this list will pop up the form that allows you to resolve the reminder then and there, without having to leave the Dashboard.

Create Follow Up – Service

From the reminders tab, you are also able to create a follow up by clicking the Create Follow Up button on the right-hand side.

Once you have created and closed the follow up, you will be taken back to the Dashboard and the follow up will show in the Reminders list if it is within the set date range.

Double clicking a reminder in this list will pop up the form that allows you to resolve the reminder then and there, without having to leave the Dashboard.

Works Orders

The bottom section of the Reminders tab shows you your open Works Orders. Double clicking on a Works Order will open it on top of the Service Record, on top of the Dashboard.

My Notifications – Service

This list will show you all of your notifications such as how many pending website enquiries you have, how many MOTs and Services are due in the next 30 days, how many services don’t have VHCs and how many un-actioned VHC items there are etc.

Scratch Pad – Service

This area is a free type notes area. These notes will only be saved on the Scratch Pad and not linked to any records such as contact records or follow ups etc.

Reminders tab – Service

This tab will show you all of your reminders within a particular date range which you can select. You can also select from the dropdown box whether you want to see All Reminders, All Overdue Reminders or Resolved Reminders:


Stats tab – Service

This tab will show you statistics split into three areas: Opportunities, In Progress and Sales. You can select a particular date range and select your branch (if you have more than one) or show statistics for all branches.

Statistics followed by an asterisk (*) are affected by the given date range.

The statistics you see can be edited within Settings > System > Employees and double click on the relevant employee and then click on Other > Dashboard tab.  Some of the Statistics, such as WIP Value, will only be available to Managerial users.

In this tab you will also see a list of your favourite reports.


Updated on November 14, 2019

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