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  3. Creating Back Orders

Creating Back Orders

To place a back order for the Parts that have gone into negative stock, go to Parts > Create Order and select Negative Stock Parts Issued from the drop down list:

A list of Parts available for back order will be displayed in the left-hand column. The part line will appear in the list more than once if it has been added to more than one Parts Invoice/Parts Issue, with insufficient stock.


Click on the part line to highlight the part(s) you wish to order and click the Confirm button, this will then move the parts to the right-hand column. Alternatively, ‘drag and drop’ the parts from the left-hand column to the right-hand column.

Once all of the parts have been added, click Create Order and an order will be created.

Select the Supplier and as with other orders, you can add extra part lines by clicking on the Add Multiple Items or Add Single Item buttons. Click Confirm Order once complete. This will lock the order and no changes can be made.

When the order is received, the DragonDMS will link the buying price of the ordered Parts to the relevant Parts Invoice/Parts Issue that created the issue.

Find out how to manually enter stock values for outstanding parts.

Updated on April 16, 2020

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