How to create new users, set access rights and change passwords.
There is no limit to the number of users you can create in your DragonDMS, however the number of users that can login at anytime is controlled by the number of licenses you have.
A user should be created for:
- Each person that you want to have access to DragonDMS and /or Dragon2000 apps. Each user account can be configured to give the correct level of permissions and access.
- Each person that you need the system to know about, i.e a technician who may not need to login to the system, but that you want to be able to allocate jobs to.
Creating a User Account
The user creating new users will need to have access to Settings and have the permission to ‘create employee records’. The Manager user that is created by default will have these permissions.
Go to the Main Menu and click on Settings > System > Employees, then click on New Employee.
Enter the employees name in the ‘Known By Name’ field and enter their Job Title below.
The rest of the fields on this screen are not mandatory, and remember that anyone with access to employee records will be able to see this information.
Login Details
Click on the Access Rights tab. For employees that you want to be able to login to DragonDMS or Dragon2000 apps tick Login Enabled and create username & password*.
* The password must be more than 5 characters and contain at least 1 uppercase letter and 1 number.
Tick the ‘Show as‘ options that relate to this employee. These boxes ensure the employee is then added to the relevant dropdown lists of salespeople, Technicians or Service Advisors.
For employees like technicians you may not give them login details but you would want them added to your list of technicians.
What to do if a user forgets their login details
If a user forgets their username or password, these would need to be reset by an employee that has access to Settings and Can View Employee Records.
The employee record will always show the User Name but the Password will be hidden for security purposes. To reset a Password, simply delete the existing password and replace with a new password. The user will then be able to log in with these credentials.
Invoicing Artwork / Branches
For users that have multiple invoicing artwork setup, you can set the default invoicing artwork for each user under the Companies dropdown list, and you can tick the ‘change artwork’ box if this user should be allowed to use multiple artworks.
If your system has branches setup, you can set the default branch for this user and also indicate which other branches this user can access.
Access Rights
For users that you have created login details for, you can use the Access Rights to choose the level of access that they should have within the system. All access rights are unticked by default.
Where you have a number of employees that all require the same levels of access you can setup an Access Rights Group. There are a number of pre- defined groups in the system. If you wish to create you own Access Rights Group or edit an existing group go to Settings > System > Employees > Options
Other – Advanced Employee Settings
Additional user settings can be configured in the ‘Other‘ tab. This includes configuring the dashboard, advanced technician settings, usage logs, integrated card machine settings and default menu options.
Dashboard Settings
The default dashboard, and dashboard tab can be set on this screen. There is also an option to show the dashboard instead of the main menu screen when the user logs in.
On the stats tab of the dashboard the statistics that are displayed can be configured for each user. No stats will be setup by default.
Technician settings
For users of the Technician Scheduler this is where you can allocate the technicians shift patterns, set their load skills and add them to technician categories.
Employee Usage
A record of the employee’s login history, deletions and credits are listed on this tab. You can also see if the employee is currently logged into the system and the time they logged in.
Card Machine
If your system has integrated Paymentsense card machines, this tab allows the user to be linked to a specific card terminal. For example you may have a card machine for the sales team and another for the service team, you can assign users to a default card machine.
On this tab you can set the default search fields for Sold Vehicles and Completed Services, this helps to speed up the search process. Different users may search on different criteria.