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  3. Workshop Clock
  4. Clock Equipment Checklist

Clock Equipment Checklist

Equipment you will receive from Dragon2000

1. Clock
2. Female power lead (this will already be connected to the clock)
3. Male power lead and attached power supply (to be plugged into the mains)
4. Scanner and USB scanner cable which plugs directly into the side of the clock
5. Scanner wall mount holder kit
6. Screws and raw plugs (for fixing the clock to a wall if required)
7. 20 clocking cards
8. Network port (this is to connect your network cable)

provided clock equipment

Equipment you will need to provide yourself

1. A network cable (you will need to plug one end into the network port on the clock and the other end into your network)

Find out how to set up the clocking system

Updated on September 13, 2016

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