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Advertising your Vehicles

If your company website is supplied and hosted by Dragon2000 then your vehicle stock can be added to your website as soon as you have created the record in DragonDMS. You also can select to submit the vehicle details to a number of different online advertisers straight from your DragonDMS.

Advertising Overview

From within a Vehicle Record go to Advertising > Overview.

The Advert Price is the price that will be sent to all advertising feeds (including your Dragon hosted website if applicable) unless changed on the Sites tab. The Advert Price will originally be generated by the Screen Price for the vehicle. If the Advert Price is changed, this will not have any impact on the Screen Price but will be logged on the Price History changes.

The rest of the information in the section titled Advertising Details only applies to websites supplied and hosted by Dragon2000.

If you want to upload the vehicle to your Dragon hosted website, tick the Advertise on my Website box. As soon as the vehicle record is closed, the details will be saved and the vehicle will be immediately uploaded to your website.

The section titled Advertising Text is used for advertising to all sites. To upload vehicle details to other online advertisers or your own website (not supplied and hosted by Dragon2000) see the Advertising > Sites section below. As you are adding your advertising text, a record count of the number of characters used will be shown.

Standard Equipment

This feature will populate a list of standard equipment that is included for a specific vehicle.

***A subscription to CAP Standard Specification or Motorspecs Specification is required to access this feature.***

To automatically retrieve standard equipment when a Vehicle Record is created go to Settings > Vehicle Sales > Defaults > Vehicle > CAP Standard Equipment and tick the box.


Select the features of the vehicle by clicking in the checkbox. Items with an asterisk are compatible with advertising on eBay. If you choose to include the vehicle in your advertising export, this information will be included.

Additional features can be added on this screen or in Settings > Vehicle Sales > Vehicle Options.


A web page will open where you can either browse for saved images or drag and drop the images on to the web page.

Each photo should be no bigger than 6MB. Once the images are uploaded, drag and drop to change the order of the images. If you choose to include the vehicle in your advertising exports, the photos will be included in the export file.


For individual Vehicle Records, you can select the online advertisers that you wish to submit the vehicle details to. The price column is populated by the Advert Price on the overview screen. If you want to send different prices to different advertisers, this can be done by clicking in the Price column for the relevant advertiser and entering the price you wish to send to them.

Clicking on + icon next to each Advertiser will confirm the times of the day that we send the feed.  Once the vehicle record has been closed, the advertising details will be saved and sent in the next feed to the selected advertisers.

For more information on how to set up your online advertising feeds click here.

Updated on March 11, 2024

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