Editing the Vehicle Status

When a vehicle record is created, the Sales Status of the vehicle will be set to For Sale but this can be changed if applicable.

From within the Vehicle Record, use the Sales Status drop down list to change the status. From here you can mark vehicles as SOR (Sale or Return) or Due In if you have not received the vehicle.

If the Sales Status has been changed to Due In, you can also select a date when you are expecting the vehicle. From within the Vehicle record, go to Vehicle > Dates and edit the Date Due In.

Adding the Sales Status as a Column

You are also able to add the Sales Status as a column to show on your main Vehicles in Stock list.

To do this, right click on the column headings, a box will open with a list of fields that can be added. Select Sales Status and drag and drop it onto the column headings where you would like it to show.

Creating your own Sale Status

You can add to the list of Sale Status’ available and create your own.  To do this go to Settings > Vehicle Sales > Settings > Record Fields and click on New Sales Status.  Once created, they will then show in the Sale Status drop down list within the Vehicle Record.

Updated on April 18, 2024

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