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Adding Barcodes to Part Records

How to create Barcodes for Part records and use these for Stock Checks.

How to add a Barcode to a Part Record

Once a Part Record has been created, you will have the option to add a Barcode and print this.

Enter the Barcode number you would like to use for the Part Record.  If the part has a barcode, you can scan this with your barcode scanner and the number will then show in this box. If no Barcode is entered, DragonDMS will generate a Barcode based on the Part Number when you click on the Print button.

Printing Barcodes

Barcodes for each part line can be printed individually from within the Part Record by clicking on Print next to the Barcode.

Alternatively, Barcodes can be printed in bulk by going to Reports > Parts > Parts Stock Barcodes.

Scanning Barcodes for Stock Checks

When completing a stock check in the DMS, you can scan the Barcode from the Stock Check report.  This will automatically fill in the Part Number and Location on the Stock Check Entry form.

For more information on how to complete a Stock Check, click here: Stock Checking Parts – Knowledgebase (dragon2000.co.uk)

What Barcode Scanner do I need to purchase?

Any USB Barcode Scanner that supports the 3 of 9 Barcode Format, can be used with the DMS.


Updated on April 25, 2024

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