There may be times when you wish to write down the value of some of your stock vehicles. Here is how you do this.
Adding a Write Down
Open the vehicle record and click on the Invoicing tab and then click on Purchase.
Click on Add Write Down and add the write down value and the write down date then click Save.
For dealers integrating to Sage the write down will post journals to the Depreciation Stock Control and Cost of Stock Control nominal codes the next time the Sage integration is run.
Adding a write down will reduce the Stand in Value (SIV) of the vehicle, you can see this within the vehicle record if you go to Invoicing > Deal Analysis.
You will see the original Stand in Value (in this example, 19,500.00), the value of write downs (in this example 250.00) and then the new stand in value (in this example 19,250.00).
How do Write Downs post to Sage?
When a write down is added to a vehicle record, the next time the Sage integration is run a pair of journals will be posted as below:
When the vehicle is sold, these journals are reversed.