Creating a Warranty/Insurance Job Details of how to create and invoice warranty/insurance jobs correctly in DragonDMS. Create the job as normal and add...
Service Works Orders Works Orders can be added to service jobs and have been designed to be used to track vehicle parts that...
Restoration Features Restoration specialists and workshops that carry out long term jobs may benefit from a range of features that can be...
Dragon2000 Workshop App Overview The Workshop app is fully integrated with DragonDMS and can be downloaded onto Android or Apple mobile phones or tablets. The...
Autodata Integration DragonDMS has an integration with Autodata, which lets users access vehicle specific service and repair times from within DragonDMS. For...
Managing Stock Oils The Stock Oils management feature is within the Service Module of the DragonDMS. From the Service Module select Job Items. ...
Text Messaging Features Within the DragonDMS, there is the functionality to send text messages to your customers. This feature has been expanded to...